Principles vs Techniques.

Principles vs Techniques. . Okinawan karate is an art in which principles are more important than specific techniques. This does not mean that karate does not have techniques. It means that at the root of all techniques are underlying combative principles, and thus all techniques can be adjusted in accordance with those principles. . When…

Hard work always pays dividends.

Hard work always pays dividends. The amount of effort expended to reach a goal determines what you achieve. . The poor work ethic shows in how you see life. It also shows in how you treat others, and the conditions of life you expect from them. It is especially intolerable if you do little work,…

There are no secrets.

“There are no secrets. Todays students only want sport. They don’t work to understand what lies behind the physical movements.” ?? . Kiyohide Shinjo 9th dan Uechi Ryu . . There are no hidden moves in kata…. there are parts you understand…and there are parts that you don’t understand. . When people don’t understand something, they…

Karate begins with courtesy and ends with it.

“Karate begins with courtesy and ends with it. Therefore, we must be courteous to seniors, juniors, friends and even foes.” . Shoshin Nagamine (15 July 1907 – 2 November 1997) 10th dan Matsubayashi-ryu . . Being courteous costs nothing but achieves a lot. It is a behavior that should be seen more often, because words…

The principles of “ashi sabaki.”

Practicing the principles of “ashi sabaki” 足捌き (foot-movement) and “tai sabaki” 休捌き (body movement). ?? . . Tai sabaki (体捌き) is a term which relates to ‘whole body movement’, or repositioning. Tai sabaki is usually used to avoid an attack, such that the receiver of the attack ends up in an advantageous position (angle). ….

Everyone you meet has something to teach you.

“Everyone you meet has something to teach you.” ?? . Adam Carter 7th dan Ryukyu Karate Jutsu . As you go through life, you will meet people whom you gravitate to, and those whom you would rather keep away from. . It is very interesting that you may see something in them that is a lesson…

Karate people must be humble.

“Karate people must be humble.” ?? . Humility is a very important human trait that all people should exercise in their lives. Being humble means you aren’t too big for any lesson that may come your way. The core significance of being humble is that humility keeps you constantly receptive to opportunities for improvement. . In…

A man’s word is his honor.

Bushido is a code of conduct that emerged in Japan from the Samurai, or Japanese warriors, who spread their ideals throughout society. They drew inspiration from Confucianism, which is a relatively conservative philosophy and system of beliefs that places a great deal of importance on loyalty and duty. The Bushido code contains eight key principles…

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand”. ~ Albert Einstein . The quote attributed to Albert Einstein can apply to many things, karate included. For many karate practitioners, one of the most challenging elements of karate is learning the nuances found deep within the techniques, drills and principles. Few have the time or…

Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” ~ Bruce Lee . Loyalty and trust is generally one of the most important character traits that we must all have and aspire to, especially in the martial arts. . Staying loyal to your martial arts school and to your instructors, can have lasting positive effects on…

Be passionate about everything to do with karate.

“Karate is an integral part of my life and contributes meaning to my life. Someone who establishes a dojo has a mission: and that is, to instruct and develop more students. . Opening a new dojo requires a lot of students, who will join and help run and maintain it. So in light of that,…

If you listen, you may learn something new.

“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” ~ The Dalai Lama . . You’ve probably heard people say such things as: “There’s no use talking to you… You never listen… Most researchers conclude that the average person listens to only 25% of…