Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand”. ~ Albert Einstein . The quote attributed to Albert Einstein can apply to many things, karate included. For many karate practitioners, one of the most challenging elements of karate is learning the nuances found deep within the techniques, drills and principles. Few have the time or…

Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” ~ Bruce Lee . Loyalty and trust is generally one of the most important character traits that we must all have and aspire to, especially in the martial arts. . Staying loyal to your martial arts school and to your instructors, can have lasting positive effects on…

Be passionate about everything to do with karate.

“Karate is an integral part of my life and contributes meaning to my life. Someone who establishes a dojo has a mission: and that is, to instruct and develop more students. . Opening a new dojo requires a lot of students, who will join and help run and maintain it. So in light of that,…

If you listen, you may learn something new.

“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” ~ The Dalai Lama . . You’ve probably heard people say such things as: “There’s no use talking to you… You never listen… Most researchers conclude that the average person listens to only 25% of…

Allow yourself to be a beginner.

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” ~ Plato . We often focus on endings, desired outcomes, the end of the road, how we want things turn out. Even when we practice our techniques, most students, and some instructors, focus on the end of the technique, forgetting that there is a beginning…

Difficult doesn’t mean impossible.

“Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It simple means that you have to work hard.” ?? . Karate is not easy. Everything seems difficult the first time. But as you keep practicing, it becomes easier to accomplish. The task isn’t the one getting easier; it’s actually you who is improving. . Sometimes, we encounter a technique, a drill…

Practice until you can’t get it wrong.

“Don’t practice until you get it right… Practice until you can’t get wrong!… ?? . “You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way.” – Michael Jordan . . The term “training” is often over-used. People refer to any…

“Fighting is always last answer to problem.”

“Fighting is always last answer to problem.” ~ Mr. Miyagi ?? . To always want to ‘defeat’ someone; to always want to fight first; to always be right; to always come out on top; the building of a monumental ego;…. these are the goals of many practitioners. However, if these goals, are the only goals,…

Don’t underestimate the value of a good mentor.

Don’t underestimate the value of a good mentor, they will guide, support and champion you on the road to success. ?? . An open mind and a thirst for knowledge can take you a long way in the martial arts, IF you are willing to listen and learn from others. . Make sure you find and…

Kakie – It’s all about the feeling.

“Kakie – It’s all about the feeling.” ?? . Two of our most committed students having some fun with ‘kakie’ practice at the Shuri Dojo. . While Japanese Karate approaches combat from a long distance range, Okinawan Karate prefers a close range. . ‘Tuidi’ is the Okinawan method of grabbing, seizing, twisting and dislocating an opponent’s…

Basics are everything.

“Basics are everything.” ?? “You can’t have a strong house without a strong foundation. The stronger the basics, the stronger the house – it’s as simple as that. Unfortunately a lot of practitioners don’t understand.” ~ Fumio Demura . . . ? Photo Credit: Martial Arts Digital

Study the old, understand the new.

温故知新 On Ko Chi Shin — “Study the old, understand the new.” . There is always something new to learn in traditional karate. Don’t stop learning because you have reached the first few black belt levels. . “Dan” (段) does not mean “degree”, it means “level” or “stage”, and 1st and 2nd dan are just…