“The journey has to be based on passion.”

Most teachers of the martial arts do not enter teaching with the expectation that they will be working with consistently well-behaved, enthusiastic, successful students who enjoy standing quietly in rows listening to teachers lecture at them. . Nor do most teachers anticipate that all their students will dutifully use their highest cognitive processes to memorize,…

If you really want to do something, you will find a way.

If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t you will find an excuse – Jim Rohn (1930-2009) . . If you really want to do something, you WILL find a way. But, do it NOW! And not later. Don’t wait for the right time. There is no other…

Training has no end.

Have a great Weekend. Keep training. We will be. …… Training has no end. Keep practicing and keep studying. ?? . “Where there is no practice, there is no Karate practitioner. Never fail to practice.” – Minoru Higa 10th dan Shorin Ryu Kyudokan . . . ? With thanks to Minoru Higa Sensei for the photo .

Challenge yourself; go farther than you think you can go.

Research shows that people who train martial arts are more alert and focused than those who have never trained before. It also shows that the longer a person has trained, the more enhanced his or her cognition becomes. . But you need to have an insatiable desire to continually improve your skills. . Martial arts…

“Hikite”…is NOT for power generation.

“Hikite”…is NOT for power generation. . In several martial arts, it is very common to see practitioners performing techniques with one hand while pulling back / drawing back the other hand. In Japanese, this is called “hikite” (pulling hand..there’s a clue in the translation) and is evident in most of the basic “blocks”, strikes and…

The difficulty of preserving tradition.

The difficulty of preserving tradition. . (begin quote) “It is very difficult to keep tradition, not only in karate do, but also in other martial arts. In order to do so, both teachers and students seriously need to do their best. Students need to have an understanding of karate while enjoying it. Of course, teachers…

“If you can’t do it slow, you can’t do it fast.”

“If you can’t do it slow, you can’t do it fast.” . My sensei would often make us practice our techniques in super slow motion to ensure we were using proper form and really developing an understanding of the nuances of each movement. . Of course, it took me a while to understand why we…

Your sensei will not always be there.

There are teachers where you can learn the techniques of karate, and there are teachers where you can learn the techniques and principles of karate. There are also teachers where you can learn the “Way of karate”, to develop physique, technique, principles, character, mind and spirit. . To me, the real teachers are those who…

The journey is often far more interesting than the destination.

Traditional martial arts are a lifetime journey of maturity and growth, everlasting in the quest of self-improvement; emotionally, physically and spiritually, developing real lifetime skills and wisdom. . Karate is like following a path to the top of a mountain. We are all on different paths in the beginning, but as we get closer to…

“It is a cultural asset of Okinawa.”

  “Life is about knowing if you receive and counter, or just deflect. Knowing the good distance or how your timing should be, these are all part of life. In that sense, karate is to be practiced to toughen yourself, every time over and over…. It’s a lifetime’s work.” – (end quote) . Kenyu Chinen…