The most advanced thing you can do, are the basics.

“The most advanced thing you can do, are the basics, consistently.” ~ Morio Higaonna 10th Dan Goju Ryu . Train your basics everyday to improve in your karate training; it sounds so logical and makes so much sense. Now, it’s up to you, the student(s), to rise to the challenge. . It’s true, through daily…

“For every dream, take the first step, and persist on your journey.”

“For every dream, take the first step, and persist on your journey, only then will you know if it worked. This decision depends only on you! . “Aways, whenever possible, stop thinking negatively, always think positively, be faithful and then your life will start to change for the better.” ?? . . Yoshizo Machida 8th Dan…

“In karate, hitting, thrusting, and kicking are not the only methods..”

“In karate, hitting, thrusting, and kicking are not the only methods, throwing techniques and pressure against joints are included.” ~ Gichin Funakoshi . Many students, and instructors, who stand toe-to-toe and exchange techniques, forget (or should that be neglect?) that at some point in a self-protection/self-defense scenario, you will undoubtably end up in a clinch….

You must get up, must train.

“Fighting may not kill you. Opponent may not kill you. Couch will kill you. Food will kill you, the chair, the traffic, the office. You must get up, must train.” . . Dedication and commitment are what transfer dreams into realities. For the sincere student, it mustn’t be enough to simply understand karate. We must…

What motivates you to practice karate?

What motivates you to practice karate? . In all honesty, the only way to do it is to do it. The mistake people make with motivation is that they think it’s something you either have, or you don’t have. Unfortunately, you have to work at motivation. This means you have to actively tell yourself that…

Why karate kata are important.

Why karate kata are important. . “Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.” . This quote by Bruce Lee, I believe, means that those who refuse to change their beliefs in spite of the evidence, will never see the truth. You can show them facts and they’ll deny…

It is our mission to protect this tradition.

“Karate has been present in Okinawa since the time of the Ryukyu Kingdom. That is why it is our mission to protect this tradition.” ?? . Yoshitsune Senaga 10th-dan Uechi Ryu . Senaga Sensei studied under Kanyei Uechi, the son of Uechi Ryu’s founder. He is a great defender of traditional Okinawan karate and passionate about…

Which is the best style of karate?

What is the best style of karate? This is an age old question. Martial artists and desktop warriors have debated this question over and over, arguing their style of karate is the best and the strongest, while others state that mine, “works in the street”; MMA or BJJ is best for realism, ground and pound……..

The great journey of karate.

“KARATE-DO”; “the way of the empty hand”. The names of most Japanese martial arts are suffixed “DO”, e.g. “KENDO”, “JUDO”, “KYUDO”, “JODO”, “AIKIDO”. . “DO”, “the way” or “path”, is meant to convey the idea of a long journey or undertaking in a sense similar to a pilgrimage, a long-term commitment, perhaps even with spiritual…

Keep your word, integrity matters.

“In my dream I was sharpening my katana.” ~ Adam Carter 7th dan Ryukyu Karate Jutsu ~ Shuri Dojo . What does it mean? Preparing for battle, or conflict? . Dreams about sharpening a sword could be a sign for your never-ending quest in acquiring knowledge and a deeper understanding. To dream of yourself holding…

Don’t be a dimwit!

Continuing the McDojo theme…… In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task, overestimate their ability. . People believe that they are more knowledgeable and capable than they really are. Essentially, low ability people do not possess the skills needed to recognize their…

You never call yourself sensei.

You see and hear a lot of different titles in Japanese martial arts. Unfortunately, a lot of people have little or no idea how these titles and honorifics are actually used. . Now, if you are following Karate and using Japanese language in your dojo or school, then you should know how to use these…