Please leave me alone. I’m training.

Please leave me alone. I’m training. . Success and progress come from the hundreds of hours of work no one sees. . Keep training. ?? . Polite too. ?

Are you a good mentor, a good role model?

The martial arts are known to enhance the abilities of students beyond just the physical. Growth can be seen in many areas such as self esteem, confidence, focus, self-defense, self-control, discipline. The positive changes students achieve in martial arts is significant. However, the positive effects do not stop there, an inspiring teacher, mentor, coach, or…

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

Walter Lippmann the author and political commentator said, “The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind in others the conviction and will to carry on.” ….. Ultimately, if your people can’t do it without you, you haven’t been successful in raising up other leaders. . We have all heard that “when the…

Educating hearts and minds.

“The strength of the dojo lies not within the four walls, rather it lies within the hearts of the students.” ~ Prince Loeffler Shugyokan Dojo . . Many teachers—especially new teachers—think that the way to create good relationships with their students is to make their dojo fun. Although having fun in the dojo is important,…

“The trouble is, you think you have time.”

“The trouble is, you think you have time.” This quote often related to Buddha was actually written by Jack Kornfield, in Buddha’s Little Instruction Book. The quote means that, we put off important things, assuming that we can do them later. But there may not be any “later.” Life is short; so make good use…

“You life is what your thoughts make it.”

“You must let go of the illusion of control.” . Often you end up trying to control situations around you. You try to control people’s behavior toward you. You try to control things happening in your life. The more you try to control, the more it slips from your hands. It makes you feel irritated…

“Now use head for something other than target.”

“Now use head for something other than target.” ~ Nariyoshi Miyagi Miyago-do Karate . . When people don’t understand things, they often find it easier to create their own explanations rather than to actually find out the real explanation. We see this all the time, in every part of society. . To psychologists, this behavior…

“Every kata move is designed for use in combat.”

“Every kata move is designed for use in combat.” ~ Iain Abernethy 7th dan British Combat Association . . To some karate practitioners and instructors, karate consists of two separate things: kata or kumite. Dividing your karate into only “kumite” or only “kata”, is artificial and negative for your development as a complete karate-ka. ….

A goal is not always meant to be reached.

“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” ~ Bruce Lee . Gichin Funakoshi’s tenth precept is; “Put Karate into your everyday life and you will find its subtle secrets.” . . There are lessons that are learnt in the dojo that we can apply…

“Gijutsu yori shinjutsu.” – Spirit before technique.

Karate is a way of life, a way of reality. I have committed over 46 years of my life to the study, practice and teaching of karate. I am convinced that karate has much to offer today in the 21st century as it did many years ago. True karate is the training of body, mind…

“You can’t demonstrate great power unless you are relaxed.”

“Smile and relax. You can’t demonstrate great power unless you are relaxed.” ~ Yoshimi Inoue Soke – Inoue-ha Shito-ryu Keishin-kai (1946-2015) . . TENSION ≠ POWER . We often associate physical tension such as a contracted muscle with power. In pure physical terms, the larger and stronger a muscle, the greater the force it can…