“Invest time to try a method to see things how they are.”

The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are. . We live in an unrestrained world, one that’s only getting louder, angrier, and more chaotic. Is there an answer? Often, it comes from all the ways we’re able to hold back…… Restraint. . “If something appears in…

“Karate makes true friends.”

Making connections with students, through humor, kindness, likability, and more is important in any dojo. It can also be astonishingly rewarding. However, you should never be friends with students. Friendly, yes. Friends, no. There is a danger in building relationships with students and that line can never be crossed….. Be a teacher, mentor, and role…

“Ataishi turu atairu”

  “Ataishi turu atairu” – is a Okinawan proverb meaning “We get along well with those we can get along with well.” . Theodore Roosevelt said that “the most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” Research shows how good relationships with people around us are…

Why take the time to learn the martial arts for self-defense?

Why take the time to learn the martial arts for self-defense? . It’s a well known fact that size and strength matter significantly when engaging in unarmed combat. So why bother learning the martial arts for self-defense at all? Why not get a gun (legally: Country and State permitted), where size and strength are much…

Creating your own style of martial art.

Creating your own style of martial art. . Why is this frowned upon? What makes us any different from the old masters? Didn’t they spend time with several teachers and then after a time, “go out on their own”? . Understanding our lineage, and the traditions that have been passed down over generations is of…

Try something new, incorporate “meotode” into your training.

“ The risk of learning something new is that you may have to completely change what you’re doing and what you are thinking, as a result of what you’ve learned. Yet, when you’ve reached a level of experience, you don’t want to change, you don’t want to lose everything you’ve gained. Well guess what? You…

Hey… lets be careful out there.

“There is one place that you have not looked, and it is there, only there that you shall find the master.” – Quote from the Last Dragon . It’s important to recognize when something doesn’t feel right, or is killing your motivation, or making you unhappy. When you know you have tried your best and…