The 7-5-3 code is very much influenced by the Bushido codes of honor that dictated the Samurai, or Japanese warriors, way of life. Bushido is a code of conduct that emerged in Japan from the Samurai who spread their ideals throughout society. They drew inspiration from Confucianism, which is a relatively conservative philosophy and system of beliefs that places a great deal of importance on loyalty and duty.
The 7-5-3 code is broken into 3 sections- The 7 Virtues of a Warrior, The 5 Keys of Health, and the The 3 States of Mind.
The 7 Virtues of a Warrior help to guide the martial artist in his interactions with others. With these virtues in mind we can hope to do right by others and ourselves, and not allow our training to falsely inflate our ego, sense of power and importance:-
The 5 Keys to Health assist us in ensuring that we are at our most physically fit, so our training does not suffer:-
Rational Nutrition
Sensible Exercise
Efficient Rest
Proper Hygiene
Positive Attitude
The 3 States of Mind guide our inner thoughts, so that we will think with clear mindedness and wisdom:-
Overall, the Bushido code calls for an appreciation and respect for life, and teaches that people should lead by example. This strong sense of honor, discipline, loyalty, and devotion can still be seen in Japanese culture today.
“Yikiga nu kutubaa shuumun gaai.“ – “A man’s word is his honor.” – Okinawan Proverb ??