“How good you are, you cannot decide for yourself – karate makes it that way. What you put out is what you get.” – Seikichi Iha 10th dan Shorin Ryu
Sometimes in life, we find ourselves at a dead end, or a crossroads, or on a path that seems to go nowhere.
Although you don’t know what’s coming next. Life is full of interesting twists and turns, take uncertainty and turn it on its head. Those uncertainties are an opportunity to make something good happen.
Meditate. Quiet your mind and really imagine yourself doing the things that you want to.
The most important thing to remember when trying to figure out what do with your life is that no action is an action in and of itself. Make decisions and try things, don’t procrastinate — even if you end up disliking them or wanting to do something else. If you have something you really want to pursue, then sometimes you may have to live with some amount of discomfort in order to do it.
So don’t limit yourself. You can go as far as your mind lets you. Don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do….. So turn off your Facebook and Twitter notifications and get working. You won’t get anywhere merely thinking about how great you could be.
What you put into life is what you get out of it. ??
? Photo Credit: TRAVEL 67 : Chris Willson Photography: Seikichi Iha quote from an interview with the Lansing City Pulse