Why do you practice martial arts?
Historically, teachers taught the martial arts only to those students they believed deemed worthy. To endear themselves to the teacher, prospective students would often have to perform menial labor or perform the most basic techniques for hours–showing that they were humble, patient, and honest.
Today, most students don’t need to undergo these tests before they can start training, but the sense that the martial arts are special, and learning martial arts is a special privilege, in my opinion, should remain.
NO ONE is ENTITLED to anything from the martial arts, but participants and students must strive to perform to the best of their abilities. HARD WORK is recognized and rewarded, not merely by being present. Although attendance is important in a learning environment, students must apply themselves to the best of their abilities and make the effort to attend class. And when you can’t attend class…… apply yourself at home.
It is not easy to find a student who has the will, patience, perseverance and endurance required to train to a meaningful level. There is always that excuse. The martial arts are not a hobby, or something you can pick up now and then when the feeling is there, when you have the time to fit it in. You have to create the habit of going to class, thinking about training and practice, and have the discipline to commit to this training.
With the current situation (Covid restrictions), going to class may be difficult. Therefore make time at home, research, ask your instructor questions, show them that your interest remains high, even though you may be prevented from attending.
If you can’t make that promise, then perhaps the martial arts are not for you. The martial arts are not meant to be easy. You have to do the work others aren’t willing to do. That way you’ll get the things others will never have. If you are making excuses for missing classes today, or not bothering to practice, or learn outside of the dojo, will this not continue throughout your life too? Will you always be seeking a reason not to fulfill your true potential?
“You don’t get better on the days when you feel like going. You get better on the days you don’t want to go, but you go anyway.”………