The quest for the original kata.
In modern times it seems to have become important that students learn kata “as it was taught originally”.
But what is original?….. The fact is we don’t know what the original kata looked like. And which original do you seek?
As an example it is known that Ankoh Itosu changed the Pinan series from its “original” to settle on a later version, as noted by Choki Motobu.
Modification was, and still is very common, just not openly admitted because of the stigma attached to it, and the desire to follow and respect a good lineage.
So why were some kata changed and some made totally unrecognizable to others of the same name?
Aesthetics is one. Adding larger and more flamboyant techniques to make a kata more entertaining for competition.
Were different versions of kata taught to different students? The theory is that by teaching them slightly different concepts, it is recognized that variations in movements enabled different uses, and there may have been some desire to retain some of these capabilities, thereby preserving the variation.
The other fairly common change in application and technique is often cited due to body type; tall, short, thin, stocky….. or changed because of a disability.
Perhaps an application can’t be made to work, and someone decided it’s unpractical. That person didn’t understand the underlying principles, and changed things to compensate, made it more practical for them, changing the kata in the process.
Change in the martial arts is inevitable. It’s good… changes made to an existing system are fine as long as we realize that we have changed it. The definition of a style is held by its applications and philosophies. But you can’t teach your changes as original….. You can teach the changes as yours …. nothing more.
The fact is that every single generation makes subtle changes to kata that they did not create, but made them just the same. Are these changes truly better? Is it just change for its own sake? Is it a way of placing a stamp of individuality on the original art?
“Karate changes every few years. This change happens because a teacher will continue to learn and add his personality to the teachings.” – Choshin Chibana
For those of you who have watched the TV series “Only Fools and Horses”, there’s the “Trigger’s broom” paradox ….. “My broom is totally original. Maintained it for 20 years…. This old brooms had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time.”
“How the hell can it be the same bloody broom then?”
“There’s the picture. What more proof do you need?”
Are your kata original?