As human beings we consists of many instincts and fears. As most of us know, the strongest ones are the instincts for survival.
In very stressful situations, a human mind can react with a high dose of fear when we feel like our life is in danger. It’s just a natural human reaction.
But in the modern world, we are not fighting for our lives everyday. So that fear has now turned into worry….. And we can always find something to worry about.
The uneducated worry because they don’t know enough; the intelligent worry because they know too much. The rich fear losing what they have; the poor fear not having enough. The old worry because they’re facing death; the young because they’re facing life.
As we get older and look back on our lives, many of us will think, “I wish I’d worried less.” We come to recognize that worry isn’t worth what it can cost.
When a future outcome is uncertain, we want to make sure it turns out well. Most of the time, even after we’ve done all we can to prevent a bad outcome, we can’t eliminate the possibility that something could go wrong.
We can have a hard time living with this uncertainty. We return to the situation in our mind, turning it over, imagining every “what if” and how we might handle it. We’re trying to control an uncontrollable situation and worrying about an uncertain future event….. reinforces it.
Each time we worry and nothing bad happens, our mind connects worry with preventing harm: worry = nothing bad happens….. And then you believe, “It’s a good thing I worried.” (We probably aren’t consciously aware of this thought process.)…. So we worry even more.
Worry can be contagious, it spreads gloom everywhere, taking the joy out of today. Worry steals your joy and strength and that of others. When we put tomorrow’s problems onto today, it breaks us down.
Worry is intended to protect us from our fear, and yet it can lead to dwelling on things that might never happen.
“Don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own”. – Matthew 6:34
Remember there are two days you should never worry about: yesterday and tomorrow. Like everything in life, it requires energy, patience, and dedication. As martial artists, we have all battled against fears at some point. We all share similar fears, and you are not any different.
You can’t live in the past. You can’t live in the future. You can only live for today.