“Learn, unlearn, relearn: Growth is a journey, embrace change, step beyond your comfort zone, evolve your understanding.”

Remember that time you “just couldn’t make class”?
But here’s the thing: in the world of martial arts, excuses are the enemy of progress. And trust me, I’ve faced them all – work, family, illness, weather, the allure of my comfy couch. But let me tell you, walking through those dojo doors five decades ago, I made a commitment, and it’s a commitment I haven’t wavered from.
You see, the martial arts isn’t just about sparring, kata, hitting the makiwara and pummeling the heavy bag. It’s a crucible for the mind, a forge where discipline is hammered into shape. And the first test? Showing up. Every time. No excuses.
Remember that newbie feeling, stepping into the dojo for the first time? I do. My sensei, a man with eyes sharp enough to cut glass, asked me one simple question: “Can you commit?” There were so many others wanting to learn karate at the time, that if I had hesitated, I wouldn’t be here, sharing my (slightly bruised) wisdom.
So, I ask you: do you REALLY want it? Or are you just playing dress-up in a white keiko-gi?
I see it all the time: students with eyes on the prize, then suddenly, life throws a curveball (or maybe just a Netflix binge). The 80/20 rule reigns supreme: The 20% mindset isn’t about perfection; it’s about the unwavering commitment to show up, even when tired, even when doubting, and put in the work. It’s about making time, not finding excuses.
But here’s the secret: true mastery lies not in perfect sessions, but in consistent practice.
Think of it like building muscle. You wouldn’t lift weights once a month and expect huge biceps, would you?
So, how do you become a martial arts maestro? Thousands and thousands of repetitions, my friend. Each “block”, each kick, each kata – a brick in the foundation of your skill. And with every step, you build more than muscle memory, you build the right mindset.
Stop the excuses. We all get 24 hours in a day. It’s what we do with them that matters. The truth is, having or not having time is a choice.
Can’t make the Saturday class? Train on Tuesday. Can’t skip work? Wake up earlier. The dojo doors are always open, but only for those who truly want to walk through them.
So, next time the excuses whisper their sweet nothings, remember this: the 20% – the ones who show up, sweat, and push through – they’re the ones who conquer. They’re the ones who build a life, not just a skill. They’re the ones who, years down the line, look back with pride, knowing they never let the excuses win.
Now, get out there, conquer your excuses, and conquer the path ahead. You know where the dojo is!
“Learn, unlearn, relearn: Growth is a journey, embrace change, step beyond your comfort zone, evolve your understanding.”

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