Allow yourself to be a beginner.

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” ~ Plato
We often focus on endings, desired outcomes, the end of the road, how we want things turn out. Even when we practice our techniques, most students, and some instructors, focus on the end of the technique, forgetting that there is a beginning too, which can be more important.
Most of the time, it’s the journey that really molds us into the humans we become. To have a journey culminating in a successful ending, we must first begin.
The advice we are given is that you can learn anything, be an expert in any field if you invest the time and work hard, is true.
Beginnings are tough though. It is extremely hard to begin something new when you are experienced, or you think you know enough; the beginning exposes your weaknesses and the fact that you are not perfect, that you still have so much to learn.
Being vulnerable in accepting the fact that we do not know is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. In vulnerability, learning happens. That is when a deeper understanding is created, when you develop past the person you were prior to having that knowledge.
In the moments we are learning, we are being our best selves. Truthful, open minded, unbiased. Beginning something that puts us out of our comfort zone does exactly that, and it should be desirable.
So, the next time you are given the opportunity to begin something new, something that will require you to start from scratch, learn something new and push you to your limits…. take it and see how it changes you!
Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent. ??

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