“Karate-do is definitely a martial way, and its identity lies in ‘do’ or principles. Any martial art without proper training of the mind turns into beastly behavior.” – Shoshin Nagamine (1907-1997)
The limit is not in the sky. The limit is the mind.
It’s worth remembering when you’re practicing something new or different, it’s often easy to stop, or give up, by claiming that you ‘can’t’. Sometimes, it might even be true. But the trouble is that when you tell your overly demanding instructor or colleague that you ‘can’t’, there’s someone else listening:…….….. YOU!
‘Can’t’ represents and easy way of saying ‘no’ to yourself. When someone says, “I can’t do it”…. My response is usually; “What do you mean you can’t do it?”…. Maybe you don’t want to do it, but saying you “can’t” is a flawed mindset.
If you think you can’t run a marathon, you’ll never push yourself to start training; you’ll limit your body by your minds perception….. If you think you can’t start a new career in a different field, you’ll overlook opportunities that may arise in the belief that you can’t change….. If you believe you will never learn the next kata or reach black belt level…. guess what? You won’t.
Doing what you really want to do starts with believing it’s possible, no matter how difficult it may seem. Achieving what is beyond our pre-conceived limits is what strengthens not only our bodies, but also our minds.
Karate practitioners the world over spend so much time strengthening their bodies, but so many neglect the mind.
As an example. Marathons are one of the most physically and mentally demanding tests of endurance. On top of good physical preparation, they also require mental training. Why? Because as soon as the body feels like it can’t go on, the mind helps it to keep going.
Do you know why most people say “can’t” and doubt themselves before trying anything?
A lack of self-confidence, and fear on many different levels. The one thing we have to purge from ourselves is fear – fear of bad results, fear of change, fear of denial, fear of failure, the fear that makes us worry.
Confidence is fragile. It builds up slowly, but can shatter like glass. Learning can sometimes be a difficult endeavor. But how you say things matters. The subliminal result of all those “I can’t(s)” could be leaving you feeling helpless and lacking in confidence.
Don’t let your mind define you in the wrong way. Remember, whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are right…… It’s all in your mind.
“Argue for your limitations and you get to keep them.”… We are what we think we are.