Stillness and Action: Finding Zen in Every Movement.

(Approx 1 minute 30 second read) Zen. People think it’s some mystical concept, but really, it’s just about direct experience – seeing things as they are, without the clutter of unnecessary thought. . In the martial arts, that means decisive action. No hesitation. You train to build instinct, to trust your preparation. A fight doesn’t…

Styles Define the Path – But the Practitioner Defines the Journey.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) “What style do you practice?” . I get asked this question whenever someone learns that I practice karate or when someone with a little knowledge of karate inquires about joining our dojo. . It’s as if the style of karate you practice is more important than the kind of…

Walking with My Teachers – A Moment of Reflection.

(Approx 1 minute 45 second read) I started my ‘journey’ in 1974 and now everything I do carries the lessons and experiences of the Sensei I have trained under. Their insights, wisdom, and guidance have shaped my understanding, and in many ways, they walk with me still. . Throughout life, we encounter mentors who leave…

The Mindful Path: Living in the Moment, A Glimpse at Buddhism.

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) I like to think that I follow some of the Buddhist principles. I’m not a Buddhist though, by any means. I make a lot of mistakes – probably more than would be tolerated within the principles they follow. But one idea that has always resonated with me is the…

‘Boketto’: The Absence of Thought, with The Clarity Found in Stillness.

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) Those moments of stillness are pretty rare these days aren’t they. Our minds are constantly occupied – planning, analyzing, worrying, reacting. Always doing something, always thinking. . There are times where we just need to switch off. . Have you ever caught yourself just staring into space, not thinking…

Where Commitment Finds a Home: Dedication.

(Approx 1 minute 45 second read) The beginning of a New Year is a time when many set resolutions and goals, hoping to start strong and make meaningful changes. Yet, so often, these aspirations fall by the wayside. Why? Life gets in the way, and for many, the mental resilience to push through challenges hasn’t…

The Beginning of Transformation: The Path Ahead Starts Here.

(Approx 2 minute read) Can you remember starting a martial arts class as a beginner? I can, even though it was way back in 1974. . If you’ve never experienced any form of martial art or physical fighting activity, it can feel overwhelming – like stepping into an entirely new world. Starting out can be…