Blinded by Assumptions: Think You Know? Maybe You Should Think Again.

(Approx 1 minute 55 second read) I love the comments section on my articles – it gives me a moment to reflect and put my thoughts together for another article. . Assumptions – they often lead to misunderstanding and conflict. Some comments come from people who misread my article, people who don’t know me at…

Rattling the Cage: Karate and the Questioning Mind.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) My first exposure to karate was Wado-Ryu in 1974. The bulk of the classes focused on the basics, with plenty of exercises thrown in to keep things ‘enjoyable’. . Of course, there was kata and I was told that it required years of dedicated practice to truly understand, yet…

Personal Safety: Self-defense Goes Way Beyond the Physical.

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) A little while ago, I was approached by some of the moms of the younger students, asking if I would be interested in doing a self-defense course for them. None of them had ever practiced the martial arts before. . Normally, I would encourage anyone to join our classes…

Beyond the syllabus: True progress starts when you look deeper.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) I remember a little while ago being invited to teach at a dojo and hanging on the wall in plain sight was the curriculum or syllabus they followed. It was structured, organized, and served as a clear guide for what students were expected to learn. . But as I…

When Self-Defense is Just Pruning Your Roses.

(Approx 2 minute 55 second read) What is awareness, and why is it so important in self-defense? . Many practitioners focus solely on physical techniques, treating force as the solution to every problem. Some even adopting a fight-first mentality, giving little more than lip service to avoidance. . But we all know that avoidance is…

Purpose-Driven Practice: Cut Through the Unnecessary, Focus on Function.

(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) Over the years, karate has been modified to fit a non-combative formula such as competition, athleticism, style, and aesthetics. However, traditionally, karate – and its kata – were designed as records of practical fighting methods for civilian self-defense. . Now, I understand that not everyone trains for self-defense or…

From Tradition to Function: Making Every Stance Count.

(Approx 2 minute 25 second read) In everyday English, we use the word ‘stance’ to infer a fixed, unchanging position or viewpoint. This common usage of the word can confuse people into thinking that we utilize our karate ‘stances’ in the same way, that they represent a fixed position….. They do not! . A recent…

Can You Really Apply That Lock? Reality vs. Fantasy.

(Approx 1 minute 55 second read) Some of the comments I receive on my articles are truly remarkable (I’m being polite here). They certainly inspire me to write, so I suppose I shouldn’t complain. . Recently, a few people argued that fine motor skills work under high stress – some comparing the skills of martial…

Cognitive Dissonance in Training: When Belief Clashes with Reality.

(Approx 1 minute 50 second read) A friend of mine reminded me, in relation to an article I wrote about keeping karate grounded in reality when approaching self-defense, about cognitive dissonance in the martial arts. . Ever feel that discomfort when two ideas just don’t sit right? . That’s cognitive dissonance. . We dedicate years…