The warrior mindset.

A warrior is not the one who seeks out fights. A warrior is the one who stands between the fight and the ones we love. A true warrior isn’t hateful or malicious. They are caring and aware of the needs of others. A warrior understands that not every fight is fought with hands and feet,…

“If you want to make friends, you have no time to make enemies.”

  Cooperation and sharing are basic life skills that enable us to make friends, work successfully in groups, and get along well with others. . “If you want to make friends, you have no time to make enemies.” – Seikichi Iha 10th Dan Shorin Ryu Shidokan; above quote from an interview with the Lansing City…

What is the true meaning of the martial arts?

  What is the true meaning of the martial arts? . The problem with this question is that the answer is going to be very subjective and personal. . We use the term ‘martial arts’ in a very broad sense, to encompass many different types of activities, and many practitioners describe what they do as…

Know which battles to fight.

Know which battles to fight. The real skill is not how to fight. It is knowing which battles to pick and which to walk away from. . If your response to all things is to fight, this is bad thinking, bad practice. After all, life isn’t measured by how many times you stood up to…

What does it mean to be a Senpai (sempai)?

What does it mean to be a Senpai (sempai)? . Senpai (先輩) translates as “Senior” and can be applied in any situation where someone is senior to you. But the meaning for those in a traditionally run martial art school is far deeper than simply ‘Senior’. . The senpai of a dojo has usually trained…

The Way of the Warrior.

The 7-5-3 code is very much influenced by the Bushido codes of honor that dictated the Samurai, or Japanese warriors, way of life. Bushido is a code of conduct that emerged in Japan from the Samurai who spread their ideals throughout society. They drew inspiration from Confucianism, which is a relatively conservative philosophy and system…

Keep your word, integrity matters.

“In my dream I was sharpening my katana.” ~ Adam Carter 7th dan Ryukyu Karate Jutsu ~ Shuri Dojo . What does it mean? Preparing for battle, or conflict? . Dreams about sharpening a sword could be a sign for your never-ending quest in acquiring knowledge and a deeper understanding. To dream of yourself holding…

A man’s word is his honor.

Bushido is a code of conduct that emerged in Japan from the Samurai, or Japanese warriors, who spread their ideals throughout society. They drew inspiration from Confucianism, which is a relatively conservative philosophy and system of beliefs that places a great deal of importance on loyalty and duty. The Bushido code contains eight key principles…

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand”. ~ Albert Einstein . The quote attributed to Albert Einstein can apply to many things, karate included. For many karate practitioners, one of the most challenging elements of karate is learning the nuances found deep within the techniques, drills and principles. Few have the time or…

You have to put in the EFFORT.

努力怠るなかれ ~ “Doryoku okotaru nakare” (Never neglect effort) ?? . Kenzo Mabuni (1927-2005) . “Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, [..] that delivery of the very best that you can do. . It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you…

Never neglect courtesy and etiquette.

礼儀怠るなかれ ~ “Reigi okotaru nakare.” (Never neglect courtesy and etiquette) ?? ~ Kenei Mabuni (1918-2015) . There is a cultural element to karate which should be well observed. This cultural element involves courtesy, humility, etiquette, rank, tradition, protocol and much more. . Whenever or wherever you train Karate, you should follow certain etiquette and manners called…