Human beings are emotional creatures. In the battle between emotions, common sense and logic, emotions win, always . I prefer to look at my karate from a logical and common sense perspective, with a view to developing functional combative skill. . Logical thinking is a process of exploring different solutions to a given problem. ….
Category: Kobudo
Always do your best, learn everything you can…. Enjoy the journey.
“There is a saying; ‘Shikin nu tiyaui’ which means however much you train and get stronger, there is always someone who is better than you. So, we should always remember the time we first started karate, and be humble when dealing with the martial art.” (End quote) – Hiroshi Akamine 9th dan Ryukyu Kobudo &…
Are traditional martial arts dying?
Are traditional martial arts dying? . Most martial arts were created at a specific period in time in ancient history to protect its practitioners from a civilian, non-consensual attack. Times have changed to a point where some martial arts training is no longer practical for today’s world. There are many martial artists who are unaware…
“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.”
“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” – Epictetus . There are situations that arise in which we wish to influence other people and make them understand something that we believe to be important. . But no matter how hard we try, we cannot force people to…
“Enbusen is the opponent themselves.”
“Enbusen (演武線) (embusen) isn’t just about where you face when you perform kata. Enbusen is the opponent themselves. Enbusen represents the opponent’s attacks or movements, the practitioner must move accordingly to the movements of the opponent, and react to said attacks accordingly….. Enbusen is the opponent.” (End quote) – Toshihiro Oshiro 9th dan Shima-Ha…
“Trouble comes to those who don’t have courtesy.”
“If you have good manners, you can survive anywhere. Trouble comes to those who don’t have courtesy.” – Masahiro Nakamoto 10th dan Okinawa Dentou Kobudo . . In society a general definition of courtesy would be polite behavior that is well accepted in the society. This value holds great importance in the correct development…
Progress comes to those who train and train.
The martial arts requires practice (shock)…… And the way anything is developed is through regular, consistent practice. It is that simple….. But how many hours a day should you practice? 2 hours? 4 hours? 8 hours? 12 hours? How much is enough? Is there an optimal number of hours that you should practice? . Have…
You think training once a week is enough?
“At the world level, with the spreading Covid-19 pandemic, we are in a situation in which many have to refrain from going out. I think many will spend more time practicing at home. Taking advantage of the characteristics of karate that are that anyone can practice anytime, anywhere and even alone, let’s do our…
The problem with closed-minded people, is that their mouths are always open.
Close-minded is when you believe in something or in someone and your mind will stay closed to that belief and will not even try to acknowledge any other idea or concept. . Nobody wants to admit they’re close-minded. Ask anyone, and 90% of the time, they’ll tell you they’re an open-minded, positive individual who’s (apparently)…
Are you an instructor, a teacher, both, or something else?
“A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself.” – Bruce Lee . Strictly speaking, education and instruction are mutually exclusive. You instruct soldiers. You teach students. An instructor lays down rules to be obeyed; a teacher strews ideas to…
As instructors and teachers we have a duty of care to our students.
As instructors and teachers we have a duty of care to our students. While they are at our schools or dojo, we have a legal responsibility, and it is called; “Duty of Care”. It is associated with physical welfare as well as moral, intellectual, and the social wellbeing of students. . There are several aspects…
“I think people should really take more time in promoting karate as a cohesive vehicle for self-improvement.”
“I think people should really take more time in promoting karate as a cohesive vehicle for self-improvement rather than individualize it to a specific style.“ (End quote) – Cezar Borkowski 10th dan Northern Karate Schools . There are a lot of lessons karate teaches us throughout our journey, most of which will hopefully draw out…