It’s not about the Likes. It’s about sharing the knowledge.

Right now we all live in a world we never imagined. Movements and socialization limited and restricted. Many schools and dojo have closed or are operating at a bare minimum, some only able to offer online classes. So where does this leave the students? . For us at the Shuri Dojo, and me personally, we…

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

There is something very different about being a martial artist; it makes you different from other people, it sets you apart from the crowd. Anyone can go to a gym, a fitness class or a sports center, but to continue to black belt and beyond takes someone special. . But after weeks, months and sometimes…

Karate and kobudo are difficult……

“Karate and kobudo are difficult, if you do not practice seriously with a traditional approach, you may miss the important points.” – Fumio Demura 9th dan Shito-Ryu . . The truth is to become good at karate, to get anywhere near being proficient with your techniques, drills and kata, you need to do hundreds and…