(1 minute 40 second read) Imagine a toolbox filled with tools; wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers, these tools can fix many things….. but how you use them depends on the job. . The martial arts are like those tools – different methods have different goals. . Karate, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, MMA, Boxing – these are all different fighting…
Category: Martial Arts
“It is challenging to make someone comprehend something when their beliefs or identity are tied to not understanding it.”
(2 minute read) It never ceases to amaze me, from the comments on my articles, how many people have such strong opinions about the martial arts, particularly the practice of kata, despite a complete lack of experience. The internet amplifies these uninformed voices, creating a cacophony of assumptions that drown out the true value of…
Don’t Just Do Your Kata….. Know Your Kata.
(2 minute 6 second read) I’ve been writing articles for several years now, and probably the most commented and contentious subject of all that I write about has to be Kata. . People just don’t get it. Sadly, there is widespread misunderstanding about this centuries old tradition. . I can’t blame them, as today most…
Many dismissive comments I receive state; “Good luck fighting with your kata”.
(2 minute 55 second read) Many dismissive comments I receive state; “Good luck fighting with your kata”. . Kata, often viewed as a choreographed routine, for passing a grade, showing no relation to actual combat. . “The other day I posted a video where I was applying the uppercut technique and a person in his…
Finding Calm amidst the Chaos.
(1 minute 30 second read) Finding Calm amidst the Chaos. . In today’s frenetic world, anxiety seems to be a constant companion. With so many people these days leading hectic, over-stimulated, and sleep-deprived lives, it’s no wonder that worry and anxiety are at an all time high. . Our brains are hard wired to be…
“If practiced properly, two or three kata will suffice as ‘your’ kata; all of the others can just be studied as sources of additional knowledge.”
(2 minute 10 second read) How many kata are enough? . Over the years I have collected probably way too many, and although I have a core that I teach deeply, many of them are probably redundant, or at least very similar to each other. . What I find most interesting about kata is how…
The one who controls the distance in an encounter, is the one who controls the situation.
(1 minute 56 second read) The one who controls the distance in an encounter, is the one who controls the situation. . “Maai” (間合い) is a Japanese term that means “interval” or “space between”. It refers to the optimal engagement distance in combat, encompassing both physical separation, and the timing of the attack and defense…
“He who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words.”
(1 minute 31 second read) Martial arts training; principles, techniques, strategies, fitness, they’re all important. But mastering your mind is just as crucial; and for me, that includes avoiding pointless arguments. . It’s easy to get caught up in pointless debates about which style is the best, or which is the strongest, the most effective,…
Are you a traditionalist, a pragmatist, or both?
(2 minute 41 second read) From the comments on a recent article, many people seemed to be offended because of my use of the word “traditional”, some calling me insulting, rude, offensive and more. . I wrote the article with the intention of shedding light on instructors who falsely claim to teach self-defense, who are…
It’s high time to confront a harsh reality: the karate you’re practicing, being taught, is a sham.
(2 minute 14 second read) It’s high time to confront a harsh reality: the karate you’re practicing, being taught, is a sham. It’s utterly ineffective when it comes to actual real-world combat. . The crux of the issue lies in the fact that people are being duped into believing that traditional karate will protect you,…
“To understand breathing is to understand Karate. It’s a direct connection between your body and mind.”
(1 minute 22 second read) Breathing in the martial arts. Easy right? . The most basic function of our body, part of an autonomous system. We don’t have to learn how to do it, we just breathe automatically, we don’t have to think about it. . However, the way you breathe can make a significant…
“We are made to persist. That’s how we find out who we are.”
(1 minute 41 second read) There is something very different about being a martial artist; it makes you different from other people, it sets you apart from the crowd. . We all know that anything great requires hard work and sacrifice. It will be tough, difficult, challenging, and it’s going to stretch you and make…