What is karate? Originating on the small island of Okinawa, created for its effectiveness in self-defense. But today, is it sport, self-defense, a way to improve character, a martial art? . It can be many or all those things, but for me there has to be a distinction between them all and an understanding which…
Category: Martial Arts
It’s not whether you aim or not, but HOW you approach your goal that determines the outcome.
Zanshin (残心) is a concept that can be translated as “remaining mind” or “lingering mind,” and it refers to a state of awareness and readiness that practitioners strive to achieve. . Zanshin is a state of mind that is achieved through the consistent practice of the martial arts. It involves being fully present in the…
Concentrate the front of the mind with a mundane task so the rest of the mind can find peace.
Mushin (無心) is a concept in Japanese martial arts and Zen Buddhism that refers to a state of mind characterized by a complete absence of conscious thought and an intense focus on the present moment. The term “Mushin” is composed of two Japanese characters: “mu” (無 )meaning “without” or “non” and “shin” (心) meaning “mind”…
“Shoshin wasureru nakare.” – Never forget the spirit of first beginning.
Shoshin (初心) is a concept that is deeply ingrained in the philosophy of martial arts. It is a Japanese term that translates to “beginner’s mind” and refers to the attitude of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions that a beginner has when they first start learning a new skill or discipline. . In the context…
‘Fudoshin’ is an essential mental state that is crucial for your wellbeing in both martial arts and everyday life.
‘Fudoshin’ (不動心) is a term used in the martial arts to describe a state of mind that translates to “immovable mind” or “unshakable spirit.” It is a mental state that is characterized by an unwavering determination to achieve a goal, regardless of the obstacles that may arise. . Fudoshin is not only important in martial…
Kata is a fundamental component of traditional martial arts.
Kata is a fundamental component of traditional martial arts. . However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend among some practitioners to ignore kata, or at least consider it of low importance compared to other aspects of the art. . It is my belief that this trend is due to several reasons, which…
“In a real fight, one should seek to strike the head as this is the most effective.”
If your martial arts are studied in a similar way to its original form, a self-defense system, then targeting the most vulnerable body area when a physical confrontation is unavoidable, should be highly considered. . Perhaps a fit, young, athletic tournament or dojo fighter could survive a real life continuous, sport like encounter, but in…
“In battle, if you make your opponent flinch, you have already won.”
The flinch response is a natural and innate reaction that occurs when we perceive a sudden threat or danger. In the context of martial arts, the flinch response is an important physiological mechanism that can be used to protect the body from harm. When training in the martial arts, it is essential to understand how…
“Many Karate teachers teach a watered down style – no hip action and no depth of punching – so it is easy to say that these teachers have no depth to their knowledge.”
The proverb “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself”, is a powerful reminder of the role that teachers play in our lives. Teachers are there to provide us with knowledge, guidance, and support, but ultimately, it is up to you to take responsibility for your own learning and growth. . In today’s…
“The meaning of the directions in kata is not well understood, and frequently mistakes are made in the interpretation of kata movements.”
Enbusen (演武線 – embusen) is a term commonly used in the martial arts world. In its simplest form it refers to the pattern or shape of the movements that make up a particular kata. . The enbusen of a kata is an important aspect of its execution, as it provides a visual representation of the…
“I can see my strengths and weaknesses, and i’m not afraid to face my weaknesses.”
Growth in the martial arts comes through repetitive daily practice and studying at every opportunity. Today, society finds repetition boring and stifling. The self-discipline of repetition is at the heart of the martial arts. Through repetition, you can quiet the inner dialogue between the ego and the over-thinking mind. . Everything is a test….. and…