“The quieter you become, the more you are able to hear.”

‘Mokuso’ (黙想) is a Japanese term that is commonly used in the martial arts. The term refers to a period of silent meditation that is practiced at the beginning and end of a training session. . Commonly translated as “meditation”, the literal translation means “silence/still” (moku 黙) and “think/focus” (so 想). . Mokuso is often…

What makes one person commit their life toward a specific goal, while another person quickly gives up pursuing a goal the first moment they experience adversity? . In the martial arts, what makes one practitioner continue to persevere against all odds, while another quits the moment he/she begins to feel pain and discomfort? Why do…

WAIT. You’ve only been taught to fight? NOW WHAT?

A comment on one of my articles about ‘self-defense or fighting’ said that “if you’re young enough [snip] why can’t you do both? (self-defense and sparring)”. . Well of course, you can. You can do both provided you understand the differences and you are aware of the dissimilarities. . But it’s not wise to do…

When was the last time you just listened to someone? I’m talking about just taking in the words that are being said, and allowing it to settle into your mind….. Forget about a response.

Sometimes it’s good to just shut up and listen….. When was the last time you just listened to someone? I’m talking about just taking in the words that are being said, and allowing it to settle into your mind….. Forget about a response. . A good listener, listens slowly to what is being said, doesn’t…