For many systems of karate, which rely heavily on kata, “bunkai” – 分解 (breakdown, analysis, disassembly) and “Oyo” – 応用 (application) is of the utmost importance. . The past masters handed down the kata as an encyclopedia of their form of martial art, the ‘styles’ of the day. Even though many karate systems share kata,…
Category: Martial Arts
What is the definition of self-defense?
What is the definition of self-defense? . The average person’s idea of what constitutes “self-defense training” is generally the furthest thing from the truth. . The question “what is real self-defense?”, prompts many to play their ego card. Some people become offended at the suggestion of anything outside their martial arts world that is not…
“There are no styles of karate-do, just varying interpretations of its principles.”
Talk to anyone about the martial arts and it is very likely that they will ask you, “what style do you practice?”. . How did all these various styles come into existence? Are they really that important? Should the existing styles be preserved? . It’s often stated that as you gain experience over the years…
It begins at the beginning, with understanding “why” and not just “how” you are doing something.
If you’re an instructor in the martial arts then you will have a system that you use to instruct your class. It is more than probable that you learned this from observing your own instructor, in whatever style of the martial arts that you study and are now teaching. . As an instructor, it’s important…
“Never raise your sword in anger”.
Okinawa is rich in moral stories, and karate masters enjoy the telling of these stories. One such story is that of the poor fisherman, whose shrine stands today in a small area south of Naha, Itomen. . Prior to annexation by Japan, Okinawa was known as the Ryukyu Kingdom. The legend of two men whose…
“Shu Ha Ri” (守破離) The path to mastery.
The Japanese concept of “Shu-Ha-Ri” (守破離), applies to the practice of learning, from beginner to a level of mastery. . “Shu-Ha-Ri” is a way to think about the levels of learning that we progress through as we gain knowledge through our practice. The idea is that in order for a person to master something they…
Becoming better and stronger at your martial arts, doesn’t start in the dojo. It starts in your head.
The beginning of a New Year and everyone wants to start out the year strong, but it’s finishing strong that’s also important. Many resolutions and goals are never reached because people get caught up in what’s happening in their lives, and because they haven’t developed the mental strength to keep themselves going when the momentum…
“Any fool can know! The point is….. to understand!”
Is knowledge really power? . There is more knowledge, information, and ideas available today to make your martial arts better than ever. But hundreds of people are still not improving even with everything we know. . To acquire this knowledge, you just have to use the internet, or signup for Apps using the advice of…
The Second Arrow of Suffering.
We all have had something upsetting or disappointing happen, it’s life after all, and sometimes we get frustrated at ourselves or others. We wish things could be different. . Our interpretation of events plays a large role in how we experience them. We get ill, have accidents and get emotionally wounded for numerous reasons, and…
“Make yourself empty within, but upright without. This is the real meaning of the ‘empty’ in karate.”
From Okinawa, karate in its original form did not have an official philosophy. Originally simply referred to as “Te”, it was simply a broad collection of principles and techniques taught and practiced by different masters. Each master likely had his own philosophies and taught his students in his own way. The only uniting characteristic of…
Discover the “meaning” in what you do. Then give it everything you’ve got. Do your BEST.
What does “do your best” really mean? How can you do your best? Why would you not want to do your best, in anything? . I receive so many comments from people on my articles that basically comes down to saying; “so what!”, in deference to learning something new or different. . In my mind…
For “bunkai” to be effective, it must be applicable to real situations. That is what kata was created for.
Think of the massive advantage you’d have if you knew what your opponent was going to do before it happened. You’d be able to react instantaneously. . A person’s unconscious and instant reaction to a stimulus is known as a reflex. Touching a hot stove forces the individual to instantly withdraw their hand. The person…