What is awareness and why is it so important?

What is awareness and why is it so important? . The martial arts community tends to focus on the hard skills of using physical force as the answer to all problems, with many dojo implementing a fight first policy, with very little focus on avoidance other than paying lip service to the idea. . By…

For most traditional karate-ka, kata is the foundation of karate.

What is the purpose of kata in karate? For most traditional karate-ka, kata is the foundation of karate. But why is that? . The trouble with determining the purpose of kata, is that the purpose you find in kata is directly related to your understanding and your training focus. The key to the purpose of…

Nana korobi ya oki

When you’re pursuing a worthwhile goal it’s almost inevitable that at some point you’ll think one or more of the following: “This is harder than I thought it would be.” – “Why is this taking so long?” – “I’m getting nowhere with this.” – “I keep failing at this goal.” – “I can’t do this….

You have to factor in your opponents reaction.

The martial arts require demonstration to supplement the whole teaching process. I get it. I demonstrate to my students. However, I always incorporate some level of failure into my demonstrations. Why? Because a real life attack is unpredictable, chaotic, vicious, and brutal. Your techniques will probably not go as planned and you may have to…

You can still get things out of attending class just as a spectator.

We know injuries are inevitable, and are usually perceived as a huge bummer when time is needed off from training. But with every injury is opportunity, and continuing to show up to class is one way of capitalizing on them. . We learn from watching, everyone is at least somewhat of a visual learner, and…