Just Relax!

Many martial artists don’t know (or can’t admit) that they’re wasting energy. They make excuses like; “Oh I just need to relax more.” or “I need to work on my cardio.” No..… you’re getting tired because you have poor technique. . And they blame poor conditioning, but the reality is, that conditioning will never compensate…

What’s the difference between history and tradition?

“Karate has been present in Okinawa since the time of the Ryukyu Kingdom. That is why it is our mission to protect this tradition.” – Yoshitsune Senaga 10th-dan Uechi Ryu . What’s the difference between history and tradition? . In our fast paced and ever changing lives and a world that appears to be in…

“There is only one opponent and he is in front of you.”

“There is only one opponent and he is in front of you. Turning to face a new direction while performing the kata does not mean you are turning to face a new opponent.” ~ Seikichi Toguchi (1917-1998) . (Begin Mabuni quote) – “The meaning of the directions in kata is not well understood, and frequently…

Kata, the management of failure.

“We learned karate that was to be used in real-life situations. If you don’t continue to train with that sense of there being a real opponent, you won’t be able to respond in that kind of situation.” – Takeshi Tamaki 10th dan Shorin-ryu . Kata, the management of failure. . What does this mean?…… In…

Oh, I get it now.

No one can put the knowledge or skill inside your head and in your hands. You basically get out of it what you put into it. . What amazes me still is how many people I see haven’t taken their training that far. They show up to class, do what they’re told, and then leave….

“Don’t think. FEEL.”

When I was a kid Bruce Lee was the one who inspired me to start the martial arts at fourteen years of age, while still at school. “Emotional content”. A small scene in his classic film ‘Enter the Dragon’. . It all starts when Bruce discovers a young student walking around the temple. Upon seeing…

‘Soji’ (掃除) ‘Cleaning’ the Dojo

In Japan, cleaning is called ‘Soji’ (掃除) and apart from obviously ‘cleaning’ it is valued as a way to cultivate our minds. In fact, ‘Soji ‘is beyond mere cleaning. Buddhist monks when attending a monastery or shrine, put a great deal of time into practicing ‘Soji’. A monk’s day begins with cleaning, and cleanliness and…

Criticism for the sake of criticism does nothing.

Criticism for the sake of criticism does nothing. . Criticism has become a common tendency in present times. Once someone writes about their feelings or observations in the martial arts, they have to confront criticism. Although their writings are reflections of the martial arts in general, there are still critics to highlight the positive and…

“Karate ni sente nashi” (空手に先手なし)

“Karate ni sente nashi” (空手に先手なし), typically translated as, “There is no first attack in karate.” . Gichin Funakoshi made this principle the second of his “Niju Kun” (Twenty Precepts), reminding us that “karate begins and ends with courtesy”. . Karate and particularly kata, often suffers a bad name for being outdated and unrealistic. In my…

“Old style karate involved only what would be useful.”

Here is a comment posted on a recent YouTube video. (I won’t mention any names)…… “I post this as a person who has trained many years in karate, then to judo and jujitsu, and then to boxing. I would also say, I have spent many years in law enforcement roles and I know what works….