(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) In 1908, Anko Itosu wrote a letter called the “Ten Precepts (Tode Jukun) of Karate” to draw the attention of Japan’s Ministry of Education and Ministry of War toward karate. . One particular point in Itosu’s fourth precept stands out: the importance of the makiwara. “In karate, training of…
Category: Masters
Echoes of Loyalty: The Honor and Discipline of Yue Fei.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) Yue Fei, a legendary general from the Song Dynasty, is a figure whose legacy resonates across cultures and martial traditions. . Though Yue Fei lived in 12th-century China, his story symbolizes universal martial virtues. He is remembered for his loyalty, discipline, and moral integrity – principles echoed throughout the…
You need great passion because everything you do with great pleasure, you do well.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) Apart from my interests and passion for karate, I have another wild passion: Formula 1. . My interest started when I was in my early teens, and it has not wavered since. I follow not just the races but also the technical information, the teams, the drivers, and the…
Don’t get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be ready to throw away what you know.
(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) Recently, I read an article about certain aspects of Buddhism, and one of the key points made was that in the heart of the Buddha’s teachings lies a profound caution: . “To seek truth is not to entangle oneself in concepts or to cling to views. Words, descriptions, and…
Karate in Context: It’s Not What You Know, But How You Apply It.
(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) We live in an age where knowledge is everywhere. The tools to enhance your martial arts practice – videos, books, apps, online courses – are more accessible than ever before. Yet, with all this information, why do so many karateka and dojo seem to struggle with defining what it…
Predicting the Unpredictable: Every Movement in Combat Tells a Story.
(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) Imagine the massive advantage you’d have if you knew what your opponent was going to do before it happened. It would allow you to react instantaneously, adapting to their moves with precision. . A person’s unconscious, instant reaction to a stimulus is known as a reflex. If you touched…
The Unseen Influence of the Quiet Sensei: Not Seeking Recognition, But Commanding Respect.
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) A couple of months ago, I wrote an article about a post on social media that made me stop and think. It suggested that people are only worth engaging with if they’ve met specific criteria: if they’re champions, if their students are successful, or if they’ve earned respect through…
The Three Faces: Yes, There Is Depth, But Don’t Hide the Truth.
(Approx 1 minute 25 second read) Someone recently suggested that a Japanese instructor might not show the correct application of karate techniques because of their “three faces”. . This phrase refers to the idea, often associated with Japanese culture, that individuals present themselves differently in various social contexts. . It is sometimes expressed as “three…
Karate: Art or Illusion? No – Let’s Get Back to Reality.
(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) Has karate become nothing but a demonstration art? . Many people send me messages asking my thoughts on various karate videos, as I often write about realism and practical karate. This week, I watched a video of an instructor from Okinawa, demonstrating applications from kata. . To be honest,…
The Ground: Think Twice Before You Go There!
(Approx 2 minutes 30 second read) Some people are incredibly territorial when it comes to the martial art they practice. The comments on my recent article about judo and self-defense sparked a storm of snarky responses – some from people who seemed genuinely upset, and others, who didn’t even bother reading the article before offering…
Kick Like a Pro, Limp Like a Legend. Kick Today, Ice Tomorrow. (Perhaps not the best choice in self-defense either.)
(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) For the last few days, I’ve been dealing with an annoying hip flexor strain. I have no idea how I got it – perhaps I slept the wrong way. I seem to be at that age. . Once again, it sparked an image in my mind of having to…
Karate is in the mind. Karate is in the heart. Karate is never about what you are wearing around your waist.
(Approx 2 minute 25 second read) A few months back, a Nidan we knew contacted us after his instructor passed away and asked if we could grade him to Sandan. . From the outset, I had reservations. Even though he was part of our US association through his instructor, I didn’t know this person, he…