Teaching in the martial arts is the act of sharing the knowledge we have been given by others with the hope that it will be passed on and shared further. It’s a continuous act of giving and receiving, creating a ripple effect through each student guided by a teacher. . A teacher’s purpose is to…
Category: Motivation
The Importance of Clear Goals and Clear Context in Your Karate Training.
Many people who join karate classes tell us their purpose for wanting to try the martial arts is to learn how to defend themselves. This is where problems can begin, because there are some instructors who think their training method can prepare anyone to protect themselves in a live situation. . It’s okay to want…
“I consider it my duty to pass on karate history to the next generation.”
“I started karate by practicing the Shorin-Ryu style under the supervision of my grandfather. After he passed away however, my family moved to Naha city, where I was acquainted with my new instructors. They taught me Goju-Ryu style karate as well as kobudo. Every day it was the same routine, train at school, train at…
“You must train a little bit, but you must train often. Consistency is what creates a great martial artist.”
“The most important thing about karate is basic training and communication. Many young today will train extremely hard for a little while and then stop. This is not good. You must train a little bit, but you must train often. Consistency is what creates a great martial artist, not brute strength. Karate is not for…
“The Goju-Ryu of Kanryo Higaonna and Chojun Miyagi was a genuine and ancient martial art, and that its history had now been correctly delineated as a budo and not a sport.”
(Approx 2 minute read) “What style do you practice?” I get asked this question when anyone learns that I practice karate. It’s also one of the first questions asked when anyone calls or messages about joining us. . While the question is understandable, it can sometimes be frustrating. It can feel like the focus is…
The Balanced Warrior: Find Humility in Your Training.
(Approx 1 minute 44 second read) Many people, at some point in their lives, have been victimized, exploited, or bullied in some form or another. . Whether this relates to being bullied as a child, an adult being singled out at the workplace, bullying online, or in more serious cases, an individual being mugged on…
If Your First Response to This Scenario is a Hook Kick to the Back of the Head, You Need a Serious Reality Check!
(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) Recently, I wrote an article in response to the use of ‘ura mawashi geri’ (hook kick) as a self-defense technique to a clothing grab. In response to the article I received a comment from the person suggesting its use, enthusiastically endorsing its effectiveness. “I have used it successfully in…
Break the Cycle: Elevate Your Karate with the Power of Mindful Training.
(Approx 2 minute read) If your mind is full of thoughts and doubts, you are too busy thinking and not able to focus on what you are doing, perhaps unable to practice correctly. . I have witnessed students, and instructors, practice their techniques, over and over, one after another, their mind not really in to…
What’s in a Dojo name? Everything, if it’s chosen with respect and a deep understanding of its significance.
(1 minute 45 second read) What’s in a Dojo Name? . Recently, I was ‘told’ that I should not have chosen the name “Shuri Dojo” for my dojo. It is not on Okinawa, after all. Naming your dojo this way is wrong. . What? . There are some really good associations and schools out there…
Many envision self-defense as a “street fight”, like an MMA bout…
(Approx 2 minute 50 second read) I have nothing against combat sports – I used to compete myself. They’re entertaining, and I respect many of these accomplished athletes. But no matter how brutal your sport is, it’s still a sport. There are certain realities which must not be ignored. . Context. . What’s important is…
“Teachers Open The Door, But You Must Enter By Yourself.”
(Approx 1 minute 32 second read) The proverb “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself” serves as a powerful reminder of the essential role teachers play in your lives. While they provide you with knowledge, guidance, and support, it is ultimately up to you to take responsibility for your own learning and…
The Digital Dojo: From Screen to Mat.
(Approx 1 minute 55 second read) In today’s digital age, YouTube offers a wealth of information, including numerous martial arts tutorials. While these videos can be a valuable resource, they cannot replace the guidance of a qualified instructor. . Many practitioners turn to YouTube for instant knowledge, which can be helpful for remembering specific techniques…