Letting Go: Breaking Free from the Opinions of Others.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) We all want to be liked. Whether it’s for our many talents, sharp intelligence, warm personalities, or – okay, maybe not for our amazing dance moves – it’s natural to seek validation from others. . But when we start depending on what people think of us to feel happy,…

Teaching Self-Defense? Make It Real. Not a Performance.

(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) If there’s one recurring theme in the comments on my articles, it’s the difference between techniques for self-defense, sport, ‘bunkai’, or some form of ‘kumite’ in the dojo. . Over the years, I’ve addressed misconceptions about self-defense that often lead people to confuse what works in a controlled environment…

Finding Clarity in the Red Mist: Self-Control. Remaining Calm in the Chaos.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) A key element in any self-defense situation is self-control. It’s not just about staying calm – it’s about staying in charge of yourself. . You can’t allow someone else to manipulate you by pushing your emotional buttons. I’ve been in situations where people have tried to provoke me, using…

Karate Unboxed: One Approach Can’t Suit Everyone.

(Approx 2 minute read) Should we differentiate the various forms of karate or even consider renaming them? For instance, Sport-karate, Children’s-karate, Practical-karate, or 3K karate? . The failure to differentiate between contexts is widespread, and for me, it’s essential, especially when discussing what it is that you practice or teach. Criticizing sport-karate for not working…

Standing Apart: Amid the Many, One Stands Firm.

There will always be people who pass unwarranted judgments on others. As we journey through life, we come to realize that not everyone will be on our side. . Some people seem determined to bring others down, often without understanding the damage their words can cause. You can’t hide from negative people, no matter how…

Control the Threat: Recognize It, React to It, and Resolve It.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) If you’re like most people, you probably hope you will never find yourself in a self-defense situation. . The very best defense starts with avoidance of the threat altogether. The sooner you sense it coming, the sooner you can step off the tracks and avoid the freight train altogether….

More Than a Sprint: Running Away vs. Escape Skills. They’re Not the Same.

(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) Someone commented on one of my articles: “Forget about learning self-defense techniques, which you are likely to forget anyway. Just run away.” . Terrible advice. . Learning to escape is paramount in self-protection, but reducing it to just “running away” oversimplifies a much more complex and nuanced skillset. ….

Karate in Context: It’s Not What You Know, But How You Apply It.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) We live in an age where knowledge is everywhere. The tools to enhance your martial arts practice – videos, books, apps, online courses – are more accessible than ever before. Yet, with all this information, why do so many karateka and dojo seem to struggle with defining what it…