“If you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything.”

(Approx 1 minute 30 second read) “If you know the Way broadly, you will see it in everything.” – Miyamoto Musashi . Someone commented on one of my articles saying that practical karate people are just looking for moves in MMA to match what they do. . Actually, no. That’s the wrong way around. You…

From Boat to Battlefield: Understanding the True Purpose of Karate.

(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) The other day, I received a comment on an article where I wrote about practices that lack any connection to real-world scenarios, where drills such as yakusoku, renzoku, or sanbon/gohon kumite, etc., are very unlikely, especially when attacking from six feet away using an Oi-zuki. . He stated that…

Training for Purpose: Your Karate, Your Choice. Choose wisely.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) No one today has experienced a time when there were no karate styles. . One of the most significant changes in karate’s history was the creation of different styles and the formation of a standard and a terminology everyone understood. A shift that was necessary in order to teach…

Guard Up? Think Again: A Stark Reminder of Self-Defense Reality.

(Approx 2 minute 45 second read) I often receive comments on my articles that tell me that you don’t need self-defense, you’re never going to need it. Just practice for fun and competition. . Er, no. . As an example, literally a block away from me this morning at 6:30am, there was a carjacking. A…

The Road Ahead: The Choices We Make in the Moment.

(Approx 2 minute read) A comment on my recent article where I was pushed into the road while out for a run read: “Well written but your first mistake was not crossing the road in anticipation, but sometimes in life our senses do not tell us.” . It’s a valid observation, but it highlights an…

The Road Home: Staying Safe, One Step at a Time.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) What does personal protection mean today? Let’s face it, it often has little to do with what happens in most martial arts classes. . If you’re thinking about self-protection and you’ve got no choice but to fight, you need to act. Take control, dominate the attacker, and get out….

Kata: More Than a Theatrical Performance – A Record of Practical Combat.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) For most people, kata is a solo performance, mostly there to pass a grade. For a practitioner with limited experience, this is an important stage of practice. If you can’t perform the movements efficiently without an opponent, you’ll have no chance of making them work against an aggressive one….