“Gichin Funakoshi’s ideal, [..] was to advance from Jutsu to Do. It has become my mission to attain this goal.”

Karate is often suffixed by the terms ‘Jutsu’ or ‘Do’. Understanding these concepts is an important part of your training. . Many people comment on my articles that they don’t need self-defense skills, finding the character-building aspect more appealing. While each to their own, this separation limits their potential. . ‘Jutsu’, translating to ‘method’, refers…

From Complacency to Overconfidence: The Many Different Views of Traditional Karate.

(Approx 1 minute 35 second read) It’s interesting that in my articles about self-protection or self-defense, several comments seem to indicate that many people just don’t prioritize self-defense. . Some commenters suggest that because they live in areas with little violence, they feel they don’t need the protection offered by realistic self-protection training. . Additionally,…

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Effective self-protection needs a different approach.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) The term self-defense is frequently used to promote martial arts schools, but do they genuinely offer self-defense, or does it simply label traditional martial arts techniques as a one-size-fits-all solution? . People often discuss self-defense and self-protection as if they’re interchangeable. While there are elements that are similar and…

In the Shadows of Tradition: Challenging Misunderstandings in Karate.

(2 minute read) Karate often finds itself mired in misconceptions and misunderstandings. . How many times have you watched a video or responded to a comment and cringed at what you have just witnessed or read? . Unlike other arts like MMA, Judo, Boxing, jiu-jitsu, etc., which seem to have clear purposes and methodologies, karate…

Beyond the Spectacle. Performance Art or Martial Art?

(2 minute 35 second read) Many people seem to grapple with the core purpose of karate. Is it a sport, a means to follow a legacy or tradition, a way to develop character, self-defense, or more? . In the early stages of my karate journey, competitive fighting was my primary focus. I eagerly awaited the…

Free running from reality. The ultimate self-defense.

(2 minute 10 second read) While there are various techniques and strategies for protecting yourself, one aspect that cannot be overlooked is the role of common sense. . You have to make informed decisions that prioritize safety and well-being. So first and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that self-defense extends beyond physical combat. It encompasses…