Free running from reality. The ultimate self-defense.

(2 minute 10 second read) While there are various techniques and strategies for protecting yourself, one aspect that cannot be overlooked is the role of common sense. . You have to make informed decisions that prioritize safety and well-being. So first and foremost, it’s essential to recognize that self-defense extends beyond physical combat. It encompasses…

“We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

(2 minute 30 second read) Many of the articles that I write are created to ask the reader to view, perhaps something different, and discuss the content in a polite discussion. . Yeah right, who am I kidding? This is social media. . An opinion is this: the beliefs of a single person based on…

Building Confidence & Safety: Why Children’s Self-Defense Matters.

(2 minute 40 second read) There are levels to teaching students, no matter the subject. But just because some of the students are at a lower level, or children, or beginners, what I do not agree with, is teaching something that is fundamentally flawed because of that level. . A comment on a recent article…

Five Steps to Nowhere? The Hidden Flaw in Traditional Five Step Sparring.

(2 minute 26 second read) Punch, block, punch, block; moving backwards and forwards – prearranged step-sparring. . Learning the basics to become proficient requires repetition, over and over again. However, it’s crucial that basics are realistic, wouldn’t you agree? . The movements contained within karate were never meant to receive an attack from another martial…

WHAT?… Self-defense is not necessary?

(1 minute 45 second read) Recent comments on one of my articles, dismissed self-defense as unnecessary; “self defense never really necessary – [snip] – if someone want to rob my wallet or phone with knife, I will just give them away”. . Good tactics, but what if they want more? What if you are in…

Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast challenges me!…..Hold My Beer.

(2 minute 7 second read) A commenter on one of my articles challenged me: “Step onto a jiu-jitsu mat and get humbled.” . This sentiment highlights a common desire in martial arts – to find the ultimate fighting method. But the truth is, and I have written about this extensively, there’s NO single “best” martial…

Chaos Training: Building Confidence Under Pressure.

(2 minute read) Some of the comments on my articles recently seem to be producing quite a range of interesting views. . One such comment seemed to suggest that the methods of pressure testing I mentioned in an article; – “to include in your practice pressure testing; unknown wild attacks, pushing, pulling, grabbing, verbal escalation,…