Karate and Kobudo: Two Paths, One Tradition – Complementary, Not Opposing.

(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) Someone commented on my recent article, suggesting that styles also reflect the “weapons reality” that an opponent might use. . He stated that “Okinawan Karate focused on empty hand fighting against weapons such as Bo, Jo, Nunchaku, Sai and Tonfa. This ‘weapons reality’ led to direct, close quarter, power…

Styles Define the Path – But the Practitioner Defines the Journey.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) “What style do you practice?” . I get asked this question whenever someone learns that I practice karate or when someone with a little knowledge of karate inquires about joining our dojo. . It’s as if the style of karate you practice is more important than the kind of…

A Lifelong Commitment: Tie The Belt, The Path Could Be Long.

(Approx 2 minute read) Most people who start martial arts don’t stay. Some quit after a few months, others after a few years. A rare few keep training for life. Why? . Kenwa Mabuni once said, “空手は生涯の研究です” – Karate wa shōgai no kenkyū desu (“Karate is a lifelong study”). Many of the early masters believed…

Rattling the Cage: Karate and the Questioning Mind.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) My first exposure to karate was Wado-Ryu in 1974. The bulk of the classes focused on the basics, with plenty of exercises thrown in to keep things ‘enjoyable’. . Of course, there was kata and I was told that it required years of dedicated practice to truly understand, yet…

Personal Safety: Self-defense Goes Way Beyond the Physical.

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) A little while ago, I was approached by some of the moms of the younger students, asking if I would be interested in doing a self-defense course for them. None of them had ever practiced the martial arts before. . Normally, I would encourage anyone to join our classes…

Beyond the syllabus: True progress starts when you look deeper.

(Approx 2 minute 10 second read) I remember a little while ago being invited to teach at a dojo and hanging on the wall in plain sight was the curriculum or syllabus they followed. It was structured, organized, and served as a clear guide for what students were expected to learn. . But as I…

When Self-Defense is Just Pruning Your Roses.

(Approx 2 minute 55 second read) What is awareness, and why is it so important in self-defense? . Many practitioners focus solely on physical techniques, treating force as the solution to every problem. Some even adopting a fight-first mentality, giving little more than lip service to avoidance. . But we all know that avoidance is…

Purpose-Driven Practice: Cut Through the Unnecessary, Focus on Function.

(Approx 2 minute 40 second read) Over the years, karate has been modified to fit a non-combative formula such as competition, athleticism, style, and aesthetics. However, traditionally, karate – and its kata – were designed as records of practical fighting methods for civilian self-defense. . Now, I understand that not everyone trains for self-defense or…

Walking with My Teachers – A Moment of Reflection.

(Approx 1 minute 45 second read) I started my ‘journey’ in 1974 and now everything I do carries the lessons and experiences of the Sensei I have trained under. Their insights, wisdom, and guidance have shaped my understanding, and in many ways, they walk with me still. . Throughout life, we encounter mentors who leave…