“Don’t practice until you get it right… Practice until you can’t get it wrong!”

“Don’t practice until you get it right… Practice until you can’t get it wrong!”… Roger Gracie
Training is how you get stronger or fitter. Practice is how you get better. The saying is “practice makes perfect”, but the truth is that; “practice makes permanent”. Simply doing something over and over, doesn’t make you good at that thing. What we really need to do is practice correctly, over and over…… Perfect practice makes perfect.
Practicing your karate has to be done with a level of respect for how you’ll perform in reality at all times. No ifs, ands, or buts.
Force yourself to continue if you get something wrong so you get used to rebounding from it. It’s going to happen, believe me, you might as well be ready for it….. Make it real!… Simulate real events. Always think; “what would I do if….?”
Research shows that if you do a skill right once and wrong once, it is engrained in your neural circuitry equally. This means that you may or may not have acquired the skill. Repeating the skill CORRECTLY multiple times is the only way of engraining the correct pattern.
“You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way.” – Michael Jordan
The more you practice the right way, the more you’re creating routine – or “muscle memory”. Your brain understands sequence and your nervous system reacts more quickly as the pathways are created. The more this happens, the better you become at the task at hand and the more natural it all becomes to you.
So what happens if your practice becomes lazy? If you start training yourself to be sloppy. What do you think is going to happen when the time comes to perform under real pressure? You got it!…. Sloppiness. Failure….. Failure you could have prevented just by putting forth more effort during practice. Your brain and body are just reacting to how you practice. They way you’ve trained them.
Learn and practice with conviction, give yourself an opportunity to solidify your skills. Don’t just train…… Practice until you can’t get it wrong. ??

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