Fighting First? The Misguided Approach to Martial Arts and the Wisdom of Avoiding Conflict.

(Approx 2 minute read)

A comment on one of my articles, which often inspire me to write another (thank you), stated; (expletive removed) “**** self-defense. I teach people to fight.”
Is this instructor right? After all you are learning a combat art not playing a game.
Much of what is considered modern karate should not be labelled as self-defense. Why? Because it was not designed to be. And often this type of training can mislead people into believing that they can protect themselves effortlessly, without being hurt or injured.
For any martial art to be effective for self-defense, training must show a level of realism. Without this, it can lead to complacency and overconfidence in abilities.
However, we always teach that fighting is always the last answer to a problem. The martial arts, after all, is the art of not fighting. The paradox.
But this instructor actually insists that he teach’s people to fight first.
For all the importance we place on learning how to fight and defend ourselves, the martial arts should at their core, teach that it is best not to get into a fight. Having the ability to swallow your pride and not engage in the first place is usually the best and preferred option.
A street fight and a sparring or competitive match have very little in common. In a real fight, there are NO rules. You never know what your opponent is capable of doing, or whether they’re armed, or whether street fighting is part of their “day-job”.
Imagine a scenario where you enter a street fight, and are able to overcome your opponent because of your skill, to the point of him being a bloody mess on the ground. When the inevitable investigation or lawsuit finally happens, it will be on everyone’s mind that you’re a trained martial artist, and you inflicted injuries upon them.
Of course, when our lives are threatened we need to take positive, incisive action, but this is self-defense, not a street fight.
There’s no point in risking injury or death if you can prevent it. There’s never a point to a street fight unless you KNOW it is a life or death situation, or it just CANNOT be avoided.
To me, fighting first – a street fight – is an agreement to fight, a consensual match. Stating, “**** self-defense. I teach people to fight,” is irresponsible at best.
Do you just want to learn to fight?
For me, no. I want to go home in one piece and be able to enjoy my day.
Ultimately, true martial arts training is about mastering the art of avoiding unnecessary conflict, preserving your well-being, and respecting the power you hold.
Swallow your pride, fight first? No – get out of there. Practice it.

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