If you listen, you may learn something new.

“When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.” ~ The Dalai Lama
You’ve probably heard people say such things as: “There’s no use talking to you… You never listen… Most researchers conclude that the average person listens to only 25% of what is being said.
And instructors seem to be especially vulnerable. As they move up in an organization and in rank, they think they have less reason to listen….. BIG mistake.
Good listening can help prevent you making mistakes in the dojo, and with your practice.
So let me give you a few tips you can use… right now… to improve your listening, and your learning.
Listen for the key points.
Many instructors are disorganized when they talk. They’re not the easiest to listen to. They may give you tons of tiny details, go off on tangents, and talk in circles. Still, most people are trying to make a point. So look for that main point.
Clarify what you are hearing.
The instructor will know instantly whether or not he needs to correct your understanding if you ask for clarity.
Ask questions.
Listening isn’t a passive activity where you simply wait for the instructor to tell you what’s on his mind….. In fact, passivity is almost certain to hurt your understanding of what is being said. You’ll get a lot more out of a conversation by being actively involved in the conversation. So engage the instructor with various types of questions. But remember, don’t interrupt, wait for them to finish speaking.
“We listen more than any other activity except breathing.” ~ Robert Montgomery…..
That makes it a common activity but not necessarily a mastered skill. Try to master the act of listening because it’s one of the KEY factors in your improvement, and your deeper understanding of the martial arts. ??
? Photo Yoshin Project

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