The more we define ourselves in relation to the people around us, the more lost we are.
We live in an unrestrained world, one that’s only getting louder, angrier, and more chaotic. Is there an answer? Often, it comes from all the ways we’re able to hold back…… Restraint.
“If something appears in your lifetime, that you like, you see something that you like, or you hear something that you like, then we say ‘don’t pull’.
If something appears in your lifetime that you don’t like, that means that you would normally reject, then we say ‘don’t push’.
I want to bring it even closer to me, closer to me than it really is, then what is going to happen is, one day, when the time comes, whatever you try to pull towards you, it’s simply going to move even further away from you.
At the same time something comes and you reject it right from the beginning, it’s just a question of time, until whatever you push away from you starts to move very close to you.” – Shi Heng Yi
If you don’t take ownership of your mind, someone or something else will. Like most of us, I get angry when someone slights me or treats me unfairly. When situations don’t go the way I want them to, I begin feeling sorry for myself. But if I’m lucky, I can catch myself and focus on the role I played in the situation, and then I know what I can do to make it better.
Find balance, restraint, observe our wandering thoughts, rather than engage with them. Nothing stays the way it is right now.
“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius