Karate IS effective!

Okay… I will get the rant out of the way first… Why, are there so many stupid people commenting about the martial arts, and karate in general?
Let me explain.
There are endless comments…. no drivel, about karate can’t do this, and karate can’t do that. Throws in karate are taken from Judo, locks and taken from Jiu Jitsu, groundwork from BJJ…. MMA is the only thing that works… the arguments are endless….. Come on people… use the stuff between your ears!
Okay…. Rant over.
Karate had its birthplace in Okinawa. You should know this by now…. I’m not talking about modern Sport Karate and all its derivatives, where points are awarded for a punch, strike, kick, or knockdown etc. I’m talking about the Karate that was used to protect your LIFE.
Do you really believe the Karate of the time, did not contain every possible application and technique that a human being is able to perform (we all, mostly, have two arms and two legs after all), in order to be able to save your life during a time of violence, poor conditions and poverty? Do you really believe that those techniques can only be found in other disciplines?
Human beings have had to fight and defend themselves for thousands of years. Have we learned nothing in that time, and the people of Okinawa were unable to add effective defensive techniques into a system of self-defense?
Come on!
Many people share fake news on social media because they’re simply not paying attention to whether the content is accurate — not necessarily because they can’t tell real from made-up.
Lack of attention was the driving factor behind over 51% of misinformation sharing among social media users who participated in an experiment conducted by a group of researchers from MIT.
“It seems that the social media context may distract people from accuracy…. People are often capable of distinguishing between true and false content, but fail to even consider whether content is accurate before they share it on social media.”
If you place the martial arts (look up the word martial first), in the correct context, Karate being one of them, they are, by nature, effective…. Period….. You just have to find the right teacher….. and….. use the stuff between your ears (that’s your brains)! ??
? Photo Credit: With thanks to Vince Morris and Don Came

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