“At first one might start it as a hobby, but if you perceive it as a ‘hobby’, it won’t develop any further. I ask this all the time. What do you do in the morning when you wake up? You wake up, you brush your teeth, whatever it might be, it’s mostly run the same way. That’s not your hobby right? It’s just your daily routine. My point is, I was able to make karate like that. [..] It’s just part of my life now.” (End quote) – Yasuhiro Uema 9th dan Shorin-ryu
Many Okinawan karate teachers view their karate as a lifestyle that is part of their identity, not just a hobby that they pick up now and again.
Karate offers us much more than punching and kicking. Confidence, self-motivation and readiness. It sharpens our minds, elevates our mood and reduces stress. When well practiced, karate becomes a helpful tool in facing tough challenges of everyday life. However, when we neglect karate, such challenges can diminish us.
The key to making karate a part of your life is to make it become a daily habit. Just like bathing, brushing your hair and teeth, eating breakfast etc.…. you workout! Yes, it is that simple! Small efforts everyday will compound and gradually lead you into making your training, habit forming. It’s a balance, there’s no need to go to extremes. Everything in moderation, then you can do it forever.
You have to have passion, to turn that passion into a habit. A hobby is something you do when you have the time. Passion is something you want to do even when it’s difficult. Habit comes naturally when you’re training in something you’re passionate about.
Make time for it. Prioritize training as a way of life – as important as family, friends and career. If you are bogged down by responsibilities, commitments and problems, find solutions and don’t make excuses.
At times, it may seem that training isn’t an option. If you’re tired, sore, or feel like you’re coming down with a cold, you can still do SOMETHING…. ANYTHING! It doesn’t have to be high in intensity or too long in duration.
Consistency will bring great results in all you do. When you’re consistent, things become easier, they become routine and you won’t have to ask yourself; “should I train or not?”
Change your mindset. Make karate your lifestyle. KARATE ISN’T A HOBBY, IT’S A WAY OF LIFE……. ( A BETTER WAY OF LIFE).
Quote: YouTube interview with Yasuhiro Uema & Yusuke Nagano