Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.

“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect.” ~ Bruce Lee
Loyalty and trust is generally one of the most important character traits that we must all have and aspire to, especially in the martial arts.
Staying loyal to your martial arts school and to your instructors, can have lasting positive effects on your path as a martial artist; and how you are viewed as a student, or an instructor.
Do you keep your word? Do you mean what you say? Do you say you will do something and then fail to do it? How do you feel about someone who doesn’t keep their word?
For me, it is important I keep my word, to do what I said I will do; long after the desire to do so has left me; and here are some of my reasons…..
For me, it is a matter of integrity. I wouldn’t feel good about myself if I didn’t keep my word. My word means something to me…. I do not take it lightly. If keeping your word doesn’t mean much to you, why is that?
Trust and Reliability.
I don’t trust people who can’t keep their word. If someone lets me down a number of times, they are not reliable. I find that this limits my desire to spend time with them, or speak with them. If I cannot trust them to follow through on their word, then they are unreliable, untrustworthy.
In martial arts, teaching respect is one of the core tenets all students, and instructors must learn and perform both on and off the mat. I lose respect for people whose word doesn’t mean anything to them. Don’t try to manipulate others. Stay true to your word. Martial arts is an area of life that holds tight to the beliefs that all people should be treated with decency and respect.
We cannot feel worthy when we let ourselves down by letting others down. People who renege on their word do not value themselves enough to act with integrity. Self-worth is the result of treating ourselves and others with caring and respect.
Are you being true to yourself by keeping your word? If not, you might want to explore why.
Keep your word, with yourself, and with others. ??
? by

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