“Daniel-san, must talk. Walk on road. Walk right side, safe. Walk left side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later, get squish, just like grape. Here karate, same thing. Either you karate do, yes, or karate do, no. You karate do, guess so, squish just like grape.”
In its proper context, Miyagi’s speech is good advice. Being only moderately committed won’t help you reach your goals. You might as well spare yourself the effort if you’re not going to do it right.
If you ‘re going to do it, do it to the fullest or don’t do it at all. Don’t give me excuses.
Ah, excuses. We’re all guilty of making excuses to get out of things we don’t feel like doing, or trying. The scary thing is that excuses might sometimes appear to be harmless, when the truth is that they’re actually capable of causing so much damage.
Making excuses is actually a bad habit. So when you find that excuses come to you naturally, it might be because you’re so used to coming up with them so as to avoid things. But think about it: are you really benefiting yourself in any way when you make these excuses?
Anyone teaching at a dojo knows a student who talks about wanting to train, but can’t manage to show up on time to practice, or some days may not show up at all.
When someone doesn’t show up, they’ll certainly have an excuse of some sort. What that student is telling us is, about their priorities.
The truth is that training just isn’t all that high on their list of priorities.
Every decision we make is a decision between two or more priorities. We elevate one and lower another. What is more important at this time? What is more important long-term? Ask yourself these questions ruthlessly. Nobody can answer for you. We’re answering these questions constantly, whether or not we’re answering them consciously.
Persistence and what we call “indomitable spirit” is an important characteristic of not just a martial artist, but a successful person. Most people commit to things that they are passionate about, or things that will benefit them.
People make time for the things that are important to them.
The truth is that martial arts does take a commitment on your part. MAKE THE COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF.
The martial arts require this commitment and if you’re not prepared to…., if you’re not prepared to make it a priority…, then don’t waste my time.