If you pay attention to what is going on in your mind, you will find that there is a near-constant stream of chatter. Our brains seem to be talking, and engaging in commentary, all the time.
This “chatter” represents normal brain function; it is simply something that the brain does, when it is not occupied in deliberate problem solving.
We are usually unaware of most of what the brain is “saying”. Instead, we let it go on, chattering outside of our awareness, while we go off into autopilot.
If we are not actively making an effort to pay attention, many of our complex behaviors (driving to work; walking to the mailbox; eating meals) occur while we are in an autopilot state. This does not necessarily mean that we are functioning poorly; but if we are in that autopilot state, we clearly are not paying attention fully.
“Zen Buddhists refer to the constant chatter of the mind as ‘monkey mind’.
The Buddha held that the human mind is filled with drunken monkeys flinging themselves from tree branches, jumping around, and chattering nonstop…. He meant that our minds are in constant motion.
As a result of this monkey mind, it’s nearly impossible to slow down and enjoy the present. In addition, all that negativity affects our mood—making us unhappy, angry, restless, and anxious; it hampers our ability to concentrate; it has a negative impact on our behavior; and it interferes with our ability to have positive interactions with others. It’s also very stressful to have a barrel of monkeys screeching in our head all day long.” – Marelisa Fabrega
The good news is that there are ways to get the monkey mind to calm down. But decreasing brain chatter is a process that doesn’t happen overnight, you have to work at it (just like everything else).
Remember YOU have control. The first step in your quest to calm your monkey mind is to KNOW that it is possible to do so.
One of the most ignored and least often practices in the martial arts, is controlling your breathing. Engage every day in a time of meditation or deep breathing.
Quiet the mind with concentrated focus. Many people find that focus is the only cure for a chattering mind. It’s almost impossible to think about two things at the same time.
Spend more time in the present. By being in the present moment, rather than replaying the past or projecting possible futures, you can replace much of the time you spend overthinking.
Mental noise is the constant chatter of the mind that never stops. It is the inner conversation or monologue that goes on constantly in the mind. Taming your monkey mind has many benefits.
Practice calming your mind.