A Short Rant.
Recently, I’ve been questioning the value of writing my articles. What’s the point of sharing thoughts and insights when it feels like people refuse to try and understand, or just insult me? I write to offer a perspective beyond the walls of my dojo, hoping to help someone along the way.
While I do receive thoughtful comments from readers who genuinely seek to understand (thank you), some responses leave me shaking my head in disbelief. For example, one person, a 7th Dan, childishly said, “This always happens as soon as I put my information across – I am wrong, you are right, goodbye.” That was one of the more polite responses.
Others are downright insulting, laced with profanity. Humility? That seems to go out the window.
I get it – warriors behind their keyboards, especially on social media, they love to spout off, but it’s frustrating. Trying to explain anything often feels like shouting into the void.
It makes me wonder if writing is a waste of time. Why bother sharing insights when so many are quick to dismiss them in favor of their own preconceived notions? Why spend hours crafting an article only to be met with a barrage of insults?
I’m hesitant to call these people stupid, but there’s a definite disconnect. Many don’t even bother to read the article; they just glance at the image and criticize that too.
Maybe this frustration stems from realizing that not everyone is willing or able to engage meaningfully. Social media is the worst platform to encourage critical thinking or challenge assumptions.
On days like today, when the insults outnumber the thoughtful comments, writing articles feels like a waste of time. I’m not looking for praise, nor do I want anyone to feel sorry for me. But I do want to thank those who read and comment thoughtfully. As for the rest of you, feel free to scroll on – I’ll just pretend you read it!
Written by AC