Some people just can’t be taught. Not because they think they know it all, but because they are stuck in their ways. Their way is the best and only way.
Someone actually has to WANT to be taught. Everything can be taught, but not everything can be learned.
If someone thinks that the lessons are useless, then teaching them will be a waste of time. If the desire doesn’t come from the inside, the person will just go through the motions.
To learn any lesson, a person must first be attentive and committed to learning from it. To ignore the learning opportunity, to not be willingly attentive, ….. the person will never truly learn or understand.
What I have found is that many times people just want to keep doing the same thing over and over again without creating much change, not questioning.
Many instructors and practitioners believe they already know everything they need to know, and they don’t feel the need for any new development or growth. It should be about making the effort to question yourself, being willing to be uncomfortable to maintain an open mind. The best practitioners understand that they’ll never know enough.
Those who are not questioning are not learning. The smartest instructors are perpetual students – they have the mindset of learning something new all the time. But many times we don’t think we need to know anything new, simply because we don’t exercise enough curiosity to discover the gaps in what we already know. You need to go out and look for those gaps so they can be filled in.
Development and growth should be synonymous with who you are as a karate-ka. To truly be your best, and be the best for your students, you need to adopt them as daily habits.
The best instructors and teachers insist on finding new ways to learn and grow, because they understand their growth determines who they are.
If you want to improve you must be open to development and growth, and not just in the martial arts. The best instructors and practitioners are always teachable. If you listen intently, you grow in understanding. You have a choice: Will you humble yourself, or will you live in arrogant, prideful denial? Will you be teachable or unreachable?
Be open to teaching, and eager to learn.
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