A Lifelong Commitment: Tie The Belt, The Path Could Be Long.

(Approx 2 minute read) Most people who start martial arts don’t stay. Some quit after a few months, others after a few years. A rare few keep training for life. Why? . Kenwa Mabuni once said, “空手は生涯の研究です” – Karate wa shōgai no kenkyū desu (“Karate is a lifelong study”). Many of the early masters believed…

Knowing Isn’t Understanding: True Knowledge Takes Time.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) I’m sure many people have experienced this. Years ago, when I was in school, I used to read books just to pass exams – and then that was it. I would mostly forget the content of those books afterward because I wasn’t really interested in the subject. . We…

No Pads, No Limits – The Way We Trained.

(Approx 1 minute 40 second read) Those of us who have been around in the martial arts for a while remember a time when there was no equipment. We never wore gloves, helmets, or protective gear of any kind when we fought. We had no pads to hit – we hit each other. . We…

Back to White: When Values Matter Most.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) A couple of years ago, I was going through a moment of madness – I seem to have many of them. I felt like I needed a new challenge and briefly considered swapping styles. A new organization had just been established, and I had a massive amount of respect…

Earned or Given: The Belt Without Merit. Is A Grade for Sale?

(Approx 2 minute 30 second read) In the world of martial arts, grades, are viewed as a reflection of a practitioner’s journey – a combination of technical ability, deeper understanding, and personal character. . Yet, there are times when we encounter individuals whose grade seems to far outshine their skills, knowledge, or behavior. Such instances…

The Three Faces: Yes, There Is Depth, But Don’t Hide the Truth.

(Approx 1 minute 25 second read) Someone recently suggested that a Japanese instructor might not show the correct application of karate techniques because of their “three faces”. . This phrase refers to the idea, often associated with Japanese culture, that individuals present themselves differently in various social contexts. . It is sometimes expressed as “three…

Karate: Art or Illusion? No – Let’s Get Back to Reality.

(Approx 2 minute 35 second read) Has karate become nothing but a demonstration art? . Many people send me messages asking my thoughts on various karate videos, as I often write about realism and practical karate. This week, I watched a video of an instructor from Okinawa, demonstrating applications from kata. . To be honest,…