The Greatest Opponent: The trouble is, you think you have time.

Time is the one opponent we cannot defeat, yet it’s the one we often underestimate the most. . The reason why people keep saying, ‘the trouble is you think you have time,’ is because when we’re younger, time seems to move so slowly. But as we age, it speeds up. . You gain this new…

“Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything.”

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) We had a great class on Saturday. Those moments where a student has a lightbulb moment and says; “Oh, I get it now.” . You can teach someone something, but quite often students have to ‘feel’ it for themselves, they have to experience it firsthand. . Now, I also…

Living in the Moment: Quieting the Monkey Mind.

(Approx 2 minute 25 second read) A riddle I’m sure you have heard before: What is always coming but never arrives? The answer is; tomorrow. . What does this riddle tell us? Today, now, that’s all there is. Don’t dwell in the past, don’t dream of the future – concentrate the mind on the present…

The Second Arrow of Suffering.

We all have had something upsetting or disappointing happen, it’s life after all, and sometimes we get frustrated at ourselves or others. We wish things could be different. . Our interpretation of events plays a large role in how we experience them. We get ill, have accidents and get emotionally wounded for numerous reasons, and…

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.”

“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain . So much of what you will accomplish in life is influenced by the people you surround yourself with. If you surround yourself with…