Anyone claiming to teach self-defense has a moral obligation to do the research. . Sport training is created to ensure success in sport. It makes little sense to train to develop one set of skills when they are not the skills you wish to actually attain. If you want self-defense skills, then you should be…
Tag: Fighting
“You think it’ll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won’t. One day it’s all gone. Even the sky”.
“You think it’ll last forever, people and cars and concrete, but it won’t. One day it’s all gone. Even the sky”. . Time does not care about anything but moving forward. What do the martial arts offer the aging student? . Young practitioners mostly see karate, or the martial arts in general, as something I…
The ‘Dojo’ (道場) not just a place to workout. It is the “place of the way.”
There are numerous training facilities for all types and styles of martial arts. However, very few of these places rate the title of ‘dojo’. The commonly used terms of studio or gym are, in general, much more appropriate. Many of these institutions teach only the shell of an art and neither understand nor attempt to…
Looking at movements as solely blocking could be missing the interpretation entirely.
Uke-waza (受け技), the Japanese term many practitioners translate as “blocking techniques”, by now practitioners should know that a better translation is “receiving techniques”. . When you think of uke-waza with the latter translation in mind, it can open up a lot of doors in your training. . It is often stated that there are no…
Why is impractical “bunkai” still being taught?
For many systems of karate, which rely heavily on kata, “bunkai” – 分解 (breakdown, analysis, disassembly) and “Oyo” – 応用 (application) is of the utmost importance. . The past masters handed down the kata as an encyclopedia of their form of martial art, the ‘styles’ of the day. Even though many karate systems share kata,…
What is the definition of self-defense?
What is the definition of self-defense? . The average person’s idea of what constitutes “self-defense training” is generally the furthest thing from the truth. . The question “what is real self-defense?”, prompts many to play their ego card. Some people become offended at the suggestion of anything outside their martial arts world that is not…
It begins at the beginning, with understanding “why” and not just “how” you are doing something.
If you’re an instructor in the martial arts then you will have a system that you use to instruct your class. It is more than probable that you learned this from observing your own instructor, in whatever style of the martial arts that you study and are now teaching. . As an instructor, it’s important…
“Never raise your sword in anger”.
Okinawa is rich in moral stories, and karate masters enjoy the telling of these stories. One such story is that of the poor fisherman, whose shrine stands today in a small area south of Naha, Itomen. . Prior to annexation by Japan, Okinawa was known as the Ryukyu Kingdom. The legend of two men whose…
For “bunkai” to be effective, it must be applicable to real situations. That is what kata was created for.
Think of the massive advantage you’d have if you knew what your opponent was going to do before it happened. You’d be able to react instantaneously. . A person’s unconscious and instant reaction to a stimulus is known as a reflex. Touching a hot stove forces the individual to instantly withdraw their hand. The person…
What is awareness and why is it so important?
What is awareness and why is it so important? . The martial arts community tends to focus on the hard skills of using physical force as the answer to all problems, with many dojo implementing a fight first policy, with very little focus on avoidance other than paying lip service to the idea. . By…
Have you only been taught to fight? If your goal is competition, then you train differently than for self-defense.
It’s incredibly interesting to me how rules determine the efficacy of certain styles of fighting, we can also see rulesets for competition change a martial art entirely. Its one of the reasons why its actually difficult to determine which style of martial art is objectively better (people constantly argue their system is the best). ….
For most traditional karate-ka, kata is the foundation of karate.
What is the purpose of kata in karate? For most traditional karate-ka, kata is the foundation of karate. But why is that? . The trouble with determining the purpose of kata, is that the purpose you find in kata is directly related to your understanding and your training focus. The key to the purpose of…