Only a rank novice would open with a double kick.

Kicks in kata are usually single in usage. However, there are a few kata that contain multiple kicks. So what use are these multiple kicks contained within the kata? . A kata that comes to mind is ‘Kusanku’ (there are others). The kick in question, often labeled as “Nidan geri” (二段). When I translate this,…

When is it appropriate to use a kick in self-defense?

There are many more hand techniques in kata than kicks, and when there is a kick, usually there is only one (there are a few kata with multiple kicks). . Kicking is probably the least effective of all the combative methods. Why? Because your motion and stability are severely reduced the instant you take your…

You must know when to walk away from a fight.

Getting into a physical fight is never a good idea, and every self-defense expert will tell you that if you can avoid a fight if at all possible, then you should. But, sometimes you can’t, if you’re attacked physically then you need to protect yourself. . Fighting is wrong. But sometimes it’s necessary, and if…

Do you want fries with that?

The martial arts are largely unregulated here in the US. There are seldom background checks carried out on teachers like there are in other countries. Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check or Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check (UK), you don’t need anything special to open a dojo or school. . You don’t even need to…


The modern labels attached to many karate techniques may have little to do with their intended function. These labels arose relatively recently in karate’s development and originate from the “watered down” karate taught in Okinawan schools, in the early part of the 20th century, modernized further on the mainland of Japan. Prior to this time,…

“In karate, the most important thing is kata.”

Kata are a library of self-protection techniques and principles in karate. Each kata creator encoded their specific knowledge into each movement of the kata they made. Kata are not simply a record of techniques, or a solo performance; rather each and every kata is designed to record the key principles and strategies of a complete…

Here is the bottom line: You DON’T want to get into street fights.

Real fights are messy, full of uncertainty, sloppy, falling down and scrambling up, feints, lucky shots. Street fights are quick and aren’t run over several rounds like an arranged fight. . If you know for sure another person is going to attack you and is cornering you, you’ll be at a major disadvantage if that…

Indecision can kill.

Indecision can kill. . Think about the last time you had to deal with a problem but couldn’t come up with a single possible solution…… Making any decision, even if it’s not the best, is better than freezing and making no decision. ** **Indecision kills. . In real world self-defense, awareness and Information is an…