The goal is to live a life that avoids violence, not encourage it.

Whether you’re a Karate practitioner, MMA fighter, combat fighter or any other competition martial artist, you train for are a very specific arena, dealing with very specific parameters. Outside in the real-world, if you use those parameters, oftentimes you will find unskilled people, who just have the ability to want to hurt you, are going…

My karate is stronger than yours!

My karate is stronger than yours! . Really? You think so? . It’s essential to define what people mean by “strongest”. I’m assuming that when people are looking for the strongest karate styles, they mean strongest in terms of effectiveness and practicality. But strongest, WHERE? In the dojo? In a ring? In a competition? In…

Karate “blocks” only work in a predefined attack.

Karate “blocks” only work in a predefined attack….. Shock, horror….you mean my karate blocks won’t work in a spontaneous attack? . Action is always faster than reaction even when you’re anticipating it. When you’re reacting your brain goes through what could be described as a “defensive reaction cycle”; perception, evaluation and reaction. That takes time….

“I teach karate as a life protection art, not as a sport.”

“I teach karate as a life protection art, not as a sport….. My son commands the 4th Marines he trains Marines to go to war, and then you pray you never have to. It’s the same thing in training karate, that you train to win, there are no silver medals in a life protection situation.”…

Fighting should always be the last answer to a problem.

For all the importance we place on learning how to fight and defend ourselves, the martial arts should at their core, teach that it is best not to get into a fight in the first place. . There are dojo and instructors that just teach fighting as self-defense! With no consideration taken to other important…

Sparring is NOT real fighting.

Sparring is a training activity frequently used in just about every martial art style or system. While there are many different approaches to martial arts sparring, generally all of them follow a predefined set of rules and unique customs. . Unfortunately, many martial artists think their sparring skills are a good indicator of their ability…

“Karate is not something so simple as to teach only fighting.”

“Karate is not something so simple as to teach only fighting.” – Kanei Uechi 10th dan Uechi Ryu (1911-1991) . . It is important for every student to be a good listener in the dojo. Much of what you will have to learn will be presented verbally, as well as demonstrated by your teachers. ….

MOST styles of Karate TODAY do not incorporate throws.

MOST styles of Karate TODAY do not incorporate throws…. And I am not speaking of those dojo that use throws from Judo as self-defense (you know who you are). . However, traditional Okinawan styles that have preserved a broader base of traditional martial techniques and principles, do indeed have throws… well as take-down defense, sweeps,…