
This Is Not Self-Defense “We often fall into the trap of simply trying a technique harder, rather than recognizing that it is a poorly chosen tool for the task at hand.” ~ Chris Matakas “Unarmed hand to hand fighting does not change through the ages; only the name changes, and it has only one rule:…

Rank Will Not Protect You

    In a situation where you need to defend yourself, it is your skills, not your rank, that will protect you. Prevention is the best self-defense. Attackers, whatever their objectives, are looking for unsuspecting, vulnerable targets. Be aware of your surroundings, avoiding confrontation. If you can defuse a situation (talk someone down from physically…

Your purpose in karate is not to fight.

“Your purpose in karate is not to fight, but rather to end the fight”. ~ Yoshio Kuba 10th dan Goju Ryu ?? . In self-defense there are no rules. If you’re in danger, in trouble, or in anyway threatened, you do anything and everything you can to get away and get to safety. This is nothing…

A high and tight guard

Having the hands held high in a tight guard is not a very smart thing to do in a self-defense situation. . To understand why it’s a bad idea, you need to appreciate that not all violence is the same, and there are HUGE differences between consensual violence (fighting) and non-consensual violence (self-defense). . The…

Self-protection, martial arts, and fighting, are not the same

“Self-protection, martial arts, and fighting, are not the same, they are related, but they are most definitely not the same.” ?? . . Iain Abernethy 7th Dan British Combat Association . As martial artists we need to understand the difference between these three concepts. They are distinctly different, but also overlap one another. . Many martial…

“Fighting is always last answer to problem.”

“Fighting is always last answer to problem.” ~ Mr. Miyagi ?? . To always want to ‘defeat’ someone; to always want to fight first; to always be right; to always come out on top; the building of a monumental ego;…. these are the goals of many practitioners. However, if these goals, are the only goals,…

Eliminate in your opponent the desire to keep fighting.

“The ultimate goal in a battle it is to eliminate in your opponent the desire to keep fighting.” . Your best defense is to use your brain. What really gets injured if someone insults you? Your pride, your ego? If you let it get to you so much that you want to throw down the…

Fighting is what happens when self-protection goes bad.

“Remember, fighting skills aren’t the key to self-protection: fighting is what happens when self-protection goes bad.” ?? . . Self-protection, martial arts, and fighting, are not the same, they are related, but they are most definitely not the same. . As martial artists we need to understand the difference between these three concepts. They are distinctly…

There is a story behind every unsaid word or action.

“There is a story behind every unsaid word or action.” ?? . Adam Carter 7th dan Ryukyu Karate Jutsu – Shuri Karate Dojo . . A street-fight rarely brings about anything good, regardless of the outcome. Any martial artist who ‘looks’ for fights is not a real martial artist. Fighting should always be the last resort,…

Fighting is not always the best option.

“Fighting is not always the best option.” ?? . Adam Carter 7th dan Ryukyu Karate Jutsu ~ Shuri Dojo . Every individual, at some point in his or her life, has been victimized, exploited, or bullied in some form or another. Whether this relates to being bullied as a child, an adult being singled out at…