Cognitive Dissonance in Training: When Belief Clashes with Reality.

(Approx 1 minute 50 second read) A friend of mine reminded me, in relation to an article I wrote about keeping karate grounded in reality when approaching self-defense, about cognitive dissonance in the martial arts. . Ever feel that discomfort when two ideas just don’t sit right? . That’s cognitive dissonance. . We dedicate years…

Knowing Isn’t Understanding: True Knowledge Takes Time.

(Approx 2 minute 20 second read) I’m sure many people have experienced this. Years ago, when I was in school, I used to read books just to pass exams – and then that was it. I would mostly forget the content of those books afterward because I wasn’t really interested in the subject. . We…

The Mindful Path: Living in the Moment, A Glimpse at Buddhism.

(Approx 2 minute 5 second read) I like to think that I follow some of the Buddhist principles. I’m not a Buddhist though, by any means. I make a lot of mistakes – probably more than would be tolerated within the principles they follow. But one idea that has always resonated with me is the…

Karate should be simple. That’s what makes it so difficult.

Simplicity in karate doesn’t mean it’s easy – it means stripping away the unnecessary, refining movements until nothing is wasted, and ensuring every action has purpose. . But getting to that level takes years of self-discipline and understanding. Then, with that understanding, comes refined repetition. . The emphasis isn’t merely on countless repetitions, but on…

No, You Can’t Mug Me Today. I Just Train for Fun!

(Approx 1 minute 50 second read) I recently had a persistent commenter on my Facebook page, a person who, every time I posted an article about self-defense, would jump in to say that in his 40 years of training, he has never had to use self-defense. He claimed that he trains purely for fun and…

More Than Just a Number: 10th Dan – A Life in Karate.

(Approx 2 minute 15 second read) Achieving a 10th Dan in karate is an amazing accomplishment, symbolizing a lifetime of training, teaching, and contribution to the art that person practices. . So why is it sometimes controversial? . Maybe it is because of the subjectivity of the process. The teacher with a 10th Dan grade…